1) Find your 'Crisis Of Conscience' and practice saying 'cognitive dissonace' in front of a mirror until it rolls of the tongue as easily as 'red herring', 'circular reasoning', strawman. Do not be put off by the rest of the family laughing at you and your dog using your leg as a latrine. The knack is to make people think that you knew what all this information meant before you read the book. This is very important in your stride for freedom.
2) Learn how to swear. No need to start the process gently, jump in at the deep end and use all those words that mummy would have blackened your backside for. Try to make out that swearing is second nature to you. If neccessary, especially if a nasty word pops out by default at the Progress meeting at work, defend its usage as an perfectly acceptable vehicle for self-expression, after all it is just words. Sneer in superiority at those who censure you for swearing. Swearing is a sign that one has grown up and 'moved on' from a JW life. It is healthy, do it as often as you can, practice on the little ones, after all they understand nothing you say.
3) Go through the stage where you think that the WTS is part of some huge Zionist plan to take over the whole world ( including Easter Island ) by using subliminal images designed by the Mason & Illuminati Marketing Company. It is essential that any and all conspiracy theories, even those that relate to shape-shifting lizards ( the Rutherforons from The Pleiades ), having gained control of the Dow Jones Index, be given at least a little consideration. Tell those who mock you that you have evidence and that one day they will wish that they had listened to you. It is important to have a sort of patronizing Messianic tone in your words, you must feel pious pity for those who are uniformed.
4) Blame the WTS for everything. Credit cards maxed out? The WTS did not teach me how to handle my money. Hemorrhoids? It was all those years of sitting in Kingdom Hall's on uncomfortable seats. Wife run off with an overweight busdriver? I only married her because she was a Pioneer and the WTS told me that she was a good catch. Five kids who hate you? My husband was an well respected elder and liked me pregnant so that I could not follow my hearts desire of designing jewelry for Rap singers. You know the kind of thing, be creative.
5) Never admit to being the irritating JW who put his hand up for every bloody answer at the WTS and droned on endlessly in precise but meaningless phrases, or the early morning JW with bits of Kleenex stuck on the bloody effects of a blunt razor who pretended to love field service and wore dirty brown suits. You were always the caring JW who tackled the elders and stood up for justice and right.If you were an elder, you were the kind one who sat up with the loonies all night. The one who read books about anthroplogy and psychology under the sheets at night. It is very important if you were serving as a Ministerial Servant and not an elder that people not think you could not 'make the grade'. Obviously you were asked to be an elder but refused, or you refused to play the complete theocratic game, only half of it. Never admit to being a 'standard' JW who was scared of his own shadow and laughed at the CO's tired old jokes repeated with every talk at every congregation, this would be a complete disaster.
6) As soon as you have gained a little on-line confidence, start your own web-site. This is a must. Try to start a site that is at least appears to serve a need in the XJW community, that way you can use the word 'Jehovah' in the site title. For example, a site for those who have 'moved on' ( got fed up with being banned from a site for reasons stated in #2 ) is a perfect example, those who have grown beyond the need of a moderated site as it is cramping there ability to do a lot of #2 and to meet crazed overweight bus drivers as in #4. It is neccessary to attract the most dysfunctional of all the online XJW community for the site to have any hope of life. If you happen to be a dysfunctional, pill-popping, booze-laden, adulterous, amoral loonie yourself, so much the better. This gives you site added dimensions and makes for charming conversation about all manner of topics.