Awake 2006 - More emphasis on the Bible? You decide

by truthseeker 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    It's been a year since the Awake went to a monthly edition.

    Have you noticed more emphasis on the Bible?

    Cross-Country Skiing—Is It for You?

    Cross-country skiing is relatively inexpensive and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

    Chemicals and Your Health

    About 100,000 chemicals are now on the market. What effects do they have on our health?

  • BluesBrother

    Well, February 07 cover is "Is religion losing its influence? also a banner for the article "Who Is Satan?"

    January 07..............."When Sickness Is no More2 ........................................."Has Christianity Failed?"

    December 06............."Jesus, Who was He?..................................................."Is it wrong to drink Alcoholic Beverages"

    This is getting tedious,

    I know that a lot of content is general interest , but most of the leader articles have a religious theme..

  • Gill

    I agree with you BB!

    But they're still full of plenty of BS....that never changes!

  • sir82

    Frankly, I see no difference whatsoever.

    Pre-2006, there were at most 10-12 scriptural citations per magazine. I don't see much of an increase, if any at all, since the change to once-a-month.

    That "more emphasis on the Bible" hoopla was used just because it sounded more positive than "we're not getting enough $$$ income, so we're cutting back again!"

  • 95stormfront

    Who cares!! It's more important to me that that's just one less magazine that's not going to pile up in my house.

  • 5go

    I think what they meant to say is it's no longer a UN propoganda tool.

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Quote 5go
    "I think what they meant to say is it's no longer a UN propoganda tool."

  • M.J.
    Skiing was an essential form of travel for early Nordic peoples during the long, snowy winters. It was such an integral part of their way of life that they even worshiped and honored a ski god and goddess!

    What? And cross country skiing is OK???

    If the Awake were more religious you'd at least expect the article to end this way:

    In light of the idolatry connected with the ancient practice of skiing, its obvious pagan origin, and its time consuming nature, a Christian would wisely be on guard when tempted by the prospect of strapping on a pair of skiis.

    Satan is eager to distract God’s servants from true worship. The Devil would rejoice if he could do so by getting Christians fascinated with other interests. He would be even more delighted if they became fascinated with things that are, or seem to be, uncanny practices that might draw them into spiritism.—1 Peter 5:8.

    For worship to be pure, all vestiges of idolatry must be discarded. God’s Word, the Holy Bible, must be the sole basis of the Christian’s faith and way of life. For this reason, the trappings of cross country skiing should wisely be avoided.

  • avidbiblereader

    I find the way to put the most emphasis on the Bible is to read the Bible and forget the Awake, man I sure miss those articles on how to cook gueva leaves into a warm meal that fed millions of Indians as they were being attacked by Spanish settlers,dah

    I always felt the Awake was not a religious magazine and a magazine to make a pair for the WT. i would just shake my head in disbelief on most of the subjects. I viewed it as something to take away our time from reading the Bible.


  • luna2

    I used to sort of like the Awake! because it didn't have more emphasis on biblical topics. It had sort of a 1950's vibe to know, Isn't Cocoa Yummy and Monkeys, They're So Funny! type articles that were light on facts but made you feel like this is what you'd have to look forward to in the sunny New System. See? Life wouldn't be boring at all...we'd enjoy chocolate, panama hats, cooking colorful ethnic dishes and square dancing, just as though 6 billion people hadn't just been slaughtered...well, we just won't think about that. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.... anyone for another cup of hot chocolate and a round of kumbaya?

    Even articles like that one on chemicals were geared to make you happy that soon this old, polluted world would be "fixed" by Jah and we would no longer have to worry our little heads about such things. Pleasantville, here we come!

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