Can anyone compile a list of as many as possible past and present CO/DO's from the Uk?
CO/DO's in the UK?
by pobthespazz 202 Replies latest jw experiences
Howard Carter (70's)
Brian Jewell
Don Holley
Dennis Lloyd (most humble in my opinion)
Howard Carter
Didn't he uncover the lost tomb of Ruth-Ernkh-Fordhum?
Do Not Call
Ed & Pauline Kerr
Anton Ions
Jim & Linda Cleary
Terry & Marion Draper -
south african beef
Dennis and Pat Dutton
Richard Jessop
Alan and Diane Fisher (liked a tipple or 10, now removed from circuit work)
Brian Scott
Ted Wright
What do you want the list for?
Sad emo
What do you want the list for?
There's always one who raises the awkward question lol!!
I'm just trying to get my head round the question
Paul Presland,
Bob James
Richard Gillam
Wiliiam Bowers
Wilf Gregory
Keith Johnston
maurice reader
cliff hensman
alex trotter
richard jessop
keith gaydon
john andrews
bill bull
jim simpson
john flack
dennis matthews
gordon webb
chris thompson
mike read
john stanbridge
john black
clive upton
clive pitman
bobby bell
terry armstrong
jim fleming
ian shanks