I used this line of reasonong with my JW mom with limited sucess. It goes like this:
The scriptures:
Genesis 3:3 You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden , and you must not touch it, or you will die.
Genesis 9:4 But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it .
Me "Jehovah says you must not eat blood, period. JW's say if you fraction it you can have it."
To which mom says "thats right thats right".
I then say "If only Eve would have peeled that skin off the fruit or, if she had a juicer she could have just drank the juice. If only she would have just fractioned that fruit then she could have had it and we wouldn't be in this mess."
Mom "but but they weren't to touch it either". Me " they could have fashioned some fig gloves or got a stick and knocked it off and then smashed it on the ground". Heck once they got that Knowledge juice in them it would have been no time before they woud have made an automatic picking machine and fractionator for fruit.
Mom doesn't like how this is going then it's on to the next subject.
I think I saw the JW froze brain engine turn over one time though.