I told a family member recently I would attend a meeting if they would accompany me for support after they emailed me I should return before it is too late.
"It would not be appropriate" was the response.
If it really is the end, WHERE ARE THEY?
by Do Not Call 28 Replies latest jw friends
"It would not be appropriate" was the response.
Brrrr, I can feel the coldness from here.
Gone are the days in my country where the streets seemed to teem with carloads of young JWs. Now, we're "lucky" () if we see two, maybe three oldies shuffling around the block every six to ten months or so. Not a pretty picture, believe me.
I told a family member recently I would attend a meeting if they would accompany me for support after they emailed me I should return before it is too late.
"It would not be appropriate" was the response.Can't ya just feeeelllll da luv? f-that!!! lisa
Do Not Call
Thanks for your comments guys. (No tracts were delivered to us or our close neighbours!)
It's interesting to hear different viewpoints on this; I don't feel like it's just me.
I take your point Qcmbr, although I did actually plead with someone very close to me when they DA'ed, on the whole the advice is to stay away from doubters.
Thanks for the support and love forum friends.
Love DNC xxxx -
It seems that this point about the end was made at a Special Assembly Day program for 2006-2007. This program has not been heard in every circuit, in fact I think SADs continue being held through May. It could be that they have not even heard the talk, or the speaker did not go off the outline at their assembly, that is why you have not heard from them. Goodness, there are JWs that even today 11 years later don't grasp the change in the generation doctrine.
If the WTS is pulling out the community responsibility doctrine to cover the fact that few if any individuals have been preached to by JWs, imagine their response regarding people who sat through years of WT meetings?
Hi DNC, a thought about the witnesses and Matt 24:14 and it being done, later in the same chapter Jesus said this
36 “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.
I use to be an elder and I use to shepherd a lot, my BS was always the highest hours in attendance and FS and every time there was a studying not doing well I was reappointed to it. I remember my former elders telling me that I was to zealous.
I have been out for going on 7 years, not one call; either phone, or in person, I am shunned to the max where people have literally left their shopping carts in athe aisle an all but ran out of stores in fear of me. I am non violent, hate violence and would never hurt a flea. The lack of shepherding could be a variety of reasons.
People are burned out, too much on their plates and especially the elders and that is the ones that are in it for the right reasons, many don't believe this from the depths of their hearts anymore, afraid of people who are their former brothers and what they may have to deal with from hypocrisy, to wrong doing BEING reported and new JC, being exposed themselves, who knows?
Please dont ever equate the actions of men, the lack of concern and love as this is Jehovah and Christ, this organization has misrepresented them and their thoughts and actions are not that of men and what many of us have and continue to experience.
PS 27:10
10 In case my own father and my own mother did leave me,
Even Jehovah himself would take me up.abr
I'd been reading on the boards about this 'all important tract' and how it was supposed to spell out the end of false religion. I was waiting for mine to turn up on my doorstep. One night, I was emptying the coffee grounds into the trash and there it was.
I hollered at my hubby and found that he had seen it tucked into the door and had trashed it. Now, I don't know about you, but, if this is the all important message and my last chance at salvation before the doors of tha ark are closed, don't cha think Gawd wuld'a at least let me read tha damn thing?
Lol... Gawd's all important message was no match for one single long haired dude and a trash can, and caught nothing but a face full'o coffee grounds.
The rocks will cry out, My Ass... They can't even get their tracts read... Although, maybe the rocks would have a better chance. Anybody's rocks a talking yet?
I think they don't come to ex JW homes because they are afraid we wil. tell them something that will shake their faith-or at least their ability to do the precarious mental balance of not being entirely confident, but being afraid of what they would do if they knew enough to confirm that uneasy feeling. I doubt it is based in a lack of love, but just fear. My mom won't talk to me about her religion ostensibly because she can't bear to hear me 'hate' Jehovah. Which is insane, because I never said anything against God to her. I challenge them and she can't have her little world shaken up. She loves me to pieces, but that doesn't have anything to do with why she isn't telling me how urgent things are-she knows I know too much and will see the crap for what it is. She does herself, but can't admit it to herself, so she lives in fear of a rational discussion about what the WT has said and done over the years. As do all 'good' JWs.
I haven't even SEEN a JW on my street in years, and certainly none have come to my house or distributed tracts to me or anyone around me. I really don't think they bother much with door to door work-they know its pointless and worthless as a tool to get new JWs. They are more likely to meet one of us than they are to meet anyone actually interested in their religion.