Welcome JamieL
You are certainly worth more then a sparrow in Jehovah's eyes...
I am truly sorry for all the woes you have been thru. What is worse is the WTBS making you feel worthless by not recognizing you are repentant. The prodigal son was accepted back, so should you.
You are valuable. Toxic people or groups should be avoided at this time in your life. Jesus said you would know his brothers by their "fruits". One is the brotherly love, it should be VERY evident. Use the scriptures to determine who really is following what Jesus said. As for me, the lack of brotherly love has wounded me deeply. I do not endorse elders that spiritually abuse people either, that is not love. (they spiritually abused me on a "welcoming visit" when we relocated to a new KH in a different state. I wanted to throw them out of the house, but instead, I sat in shock of the horrible things they said to us. I knew that Jehovah did NOT approve of the visit)
So for me, I don't feel JW's have the true religion, they have failed miserably on the lack of love and with their NGO with the UN they have committed spiritual adultry. I doubt that Jehovah is proud to have a group of people that endorse his name that do NOT turn in pedophiles. Do you think that hurts Jehovah's heart to be associated with pedophiles? As a parent, if my child was a pedophile, I would be greatly ashamed and hurt.
Your gf you were enaged to sounded like my first husband (a JW) he cheated on me since the 2nd anniversary up till we got divorced, 20 years of marriage. Be glad you aren't married to a cheater. I know it hurts to go thru it, but at least you didn't invest 20 years with her and have your heart broken several times and have children involved.
Keep reading and posting...and seek a counselor that can build your sefl esteem, and work on your child abuse issues. You are worth it!