The Lure Of God

by radar 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar

    In just a few years all of us here will be forgotten, We will be dead and buried. All our dealings will mean nothing.
    OK there may be a few written works flying around for awhile, that some us have taken part in, and maybe a few of us may have been able to effect some changes for the good of some.Yet all this can and probably will be reversed in a blink of an eye.Some new Cult or ruler will arise and start the whole cycle of pain over again.
    The Earth anyway, as a limited lifespan. If mankind does not destroy itself, either our Sun or some Comet will.
    So everything will end one day, as if no life ever existed here on Earth, no rememberance, no purpose, no nothing.
    So does it pay to dwell on the "Big picture" of life?
    Can we be content to exist like insects, living for a brief while then dying?

    This is where the Lure of God brings the masses to its knees.

    Can you hear what I am saying......IS ANYONE OUT THERE?

    Radar feeling pointless!


  • Introspection

    Radar, "everything is vanity and a striving after wind"?

    One thing that comes to mind is that for some, their thinking is not goal oriented. This makes sense to me, because really thinking of the future is kind of like getting ahead of yourself, just as dwelling on the past is holding you back. (I might note too that this is a different view of time itself) I believe that for someone who want to do "good works", in a way you don't want to care - that is to say not care about the results, not identify with that. You just do it, regardless of the possible outcomes. Certainly making no difference in the ultimate "big picture" is one possible outcome, but there are people out there who do it anyway. (I can say try, but I don't believe that's an appropriate word) For people with this kind of integrity I have nothing but the utmost respect.

    If you feel tired and worn with such thoughts, it may be some time to/for yourself is needed..

  • ISP

    Well, Ray, I think you've got to deal with what you know and can affect. So thoughts of the long, long term are not for me. I would n't see the point in dwelling on a deity for the sake of it. Life can pass you by. It does for so many of my JW contacts who still trudge to meetings and go out on field ministry. They spend there evenings pre-studying, preparing items etc. with little regard for their growing children or aging relatives.

    Belief in God is OK, as long as you don't let make you take your 'eye off the ball'. So far as I am concerned, God is not active. All organised religion is flawed so chill out!

    There is not a 'lure' that grabs me at this moment, anyway.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    oops! ...I thought this was a Theocratic Fishing thread!

  • radar


    The lure of God does not attract me anymore either.
    I am just highlighting why it gains popularity!

    This is the reason why many, includine myself first became attracted to JWs. it is this lure.

    I almost envy ignorance, for it does not see the futility


  • ISP

    Thats cool Radar........thought you were off back to the meetings for a minute then!


  • ashitaka

    hey ray,

    i had a talk with my wife the other nite about black holes, and general physics and the universe. basically, my conclusion was that we are just awful bugs on a pretty rock. i can't see any point but to love people and live well-giving to all, because i think that all this mess called earth won't be sorted out for a very long time, if ever.

    here's a quote "I see. We make an idol of our fear, and call it God."


  • Abaddon

    Yup, existence is pointless.

    We are a cosmic joke.

    Go slash your wrists now or pull your head out the sand and LIVE.

    I can not think of anything more exciting than giving my meaningless little cosmic joke of a life meaning by what I do and how I do it.

    That's what being a human is all about. Striving beyond what we have as animals. Giving meaning to the meaningless, form to the formless.

    To just wait for death and wish there was a great skyman to kiss it better is just a waste of life.

    And as there is only one, I'll be damned if I do that.

    I might not be a Bach, an Einstein, a Ghandi or a Mandella.

    But I can make a difference, touch people around me, and live on, not in some idiotic abstract of eternity, but in the lives of those I leave behind.

    It's such an exciting prospect I can't even really begrudge the time I have wasted before realising 'the truth', or the times I am just a comfortable little animal in the warm with a full belly and a sexual mate, with nothing more than physical enjoyment and emotional joy (nothing more? god, I'd settle for that!).

    No guru, no method, no mantra, no book written by some sun and drug fried goatherd to base my life on. No 'faith' (the greatest swindle of history - 'belief' - "honest guv, Mr skyman kiss it better now show me the money"), no fear (how can I worry about something I cannot change - if you're being marked good and bad by Mr Skyman you have to worry how many red ticks you have when you die, me, I just die), just fresh wonder every day.

    Am I right? Are you actually complaining about all of these riches? I agree with your analysis of why people go for religion (basically fear of the dark and laziness), but "I almost envy ignorance, for it does not see the futility" is not my resultant meme.

    Ignorance is kneeling to non-existant skypeople. That's nothing to envy!! Life is only as futile as YOU let it be.

    Keep on rocking in the free world...

  • ashitaka

    abaddon....very true. The cosmic joke thing made me chuckle.

    I agree, live, make something beautiful out of our little lives.


    "I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt

  • joelbear

    I express my thoughts on this topic more fully on my web site, on my Lifeism section, but I will give a quick overview here. Also, I would enjoy hearing feedback about my thoughts. Am i full of crap or on the right track?

    I believe that life exists in the moment. The meaning of our life is built upon what we do with our moments. By the time the sun goes Nova the human race may be in touch with life from somewhere else, even if it is not physical touch (I doubt that we will ever travel faster than the speed of light or that anyone else will either). So, the meaning of human life might go on even after humans themselves are gone. Can I bring about world peace? No, I wish I could. But, can I contribute to a furtherance of the goodness of life, yes I can. I can create new thought or expression. I can enjoy the new thought and expression of others. I can help others create and discover life for themselves.

    For me, that is meaning enough to life. I think its greedy to go beyond that.



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