Or in Service, or just by JWs period... Me, I was notorious for doodling in my literature. When I was about 12, I got caught drawing the Led Zeppelin logo in my bible by the meanest elder in the Hall. My mother wouldn't let me out of the house for about 2 months!
What was the worst (or funniest) thing you got caught doing at a meeting?
by danfromma 36 Replies latest jw friends
rolling rock
When I was like 10 or 12, I let a huge fart(ripling off the vinal KH chairs) go at bookstudy. My dad conducting my bro reading. Everone stoped(long pause) turned around and looked me. I said exuse me(face vary red) and the study went one...
Get up, take my books and suitcase and scram in the middle of a meeting.
I did that a few times when I was bored.
But I never dared do that at the book study.....
I got caught filling the hollow chair frames full of gum and gum wrappers during the prayer.
I got caught drawing horns on people in the literature. Playing the piano and singing obnoxiously when I thought I was alone. I've left in the middle of a meeting. I made comments like, "We should keep in mind that we are doing the door to door work to disciple people and not just to count time or placements."
Getting Married at the Kindumb Hall should have ran a mile
frogit -
When I was about 5 or 6 yrs old me and a friend were in the KH bathroom having sword fights with our pee. We got busted by an elder but he did not tell our parents exactly what we were doing. He just said we were misbehaving so we did not get into as much trouble. I really thought I was going die for that one.
It wasn't me, but my x husband. He was giving a talk in the ms, and 3 of his friends in the back row were trying to make him crack up. They did the hear no evil....see no evil....speak no evil ...thing...so one had his hands over his ears, the next over his eyes and the third over his mouth. My x busted up, and the co turned around to see what was so funny. The one with his hands over his ears quickly put them down, as did the one with his hands over his mouth...but the one with his hands over his eyes didn't see the danger, and kept them there...co pulled them all out of the meeting....
The talk this particular Sunday was on marriage. I was long long time divorced and another brother was single for years and years. We both sat on the back row that day.....During the talk ....he paid his bills and I adjusted my calender for the next weeks work. We both looked at each other and kind of chuckled.......you had to be there.
When meeting for FS one time .......we were getting car groups together......this brother first asked if we had prior arrangements. Since I did not I was going to be placed in a car group. Well, I could not stand this brother.......and it was down to me going out in his car group, I could see what was happening. So I turn to the sisters behind me in a panic and asked if I could go with them. They got a kick out of it and said yes........Well he says Sister Purps......Do you not want to go in my car group........I said No....I mean Yes.......I mean I forgot I already made arrangements with these sisters. We had about 60 going out that am......and they ALL knew I was lying.
There was the time I answered question wrong at oral review......and the elder asks.........Is that your final answer?!?!!?!?
and the time we had talk on marriage ........and the sister sitting next to me .......Married 5 times.......so I drew a First Place Trophy on my KM and was joking with her about her 5 marriages till we were laughing so hard.......you know.....without making a sound that all the people around us got in on the laughter too.
And the time in the service meeting when a brother and sister came down the hall all bandaged up and on crutches as part of a skit. It was about watching how we drive in the parking lot as not to hurt anyone. Then the brother says...........you know....brothers and sisters......lets be very careful...a child was killed in Memphis by a car backing over him. since i tend to laugh inappropriately .....at funerals and such.......it was the end of the meeting and we are singing and the sister next to me says.......Purps ....dont do it......dont do it. she could see I was going to crack up. so I went to the bathroom and let out a bit of a laugh. It really was so horrible about that child. I just did not expect that to be part of the part~
I got more
Wow Purps, I should draw a trophy for you!