The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun
Marshall Hall is a retired High School teacher and President of The Fair Education Foundation, Inc. Marshall is married to his beloved wife, Bonnie. His organization is committed to discovering TRUTH and exposing deception. Exposing the False Science Idol of Evolutionism, and Proving the Truthfulness of the Bible from Creation to Heaven...Indeed, the diligent listener will be astonished at the level of demonstrable hi-tech fraud, baseless assumptions, occult mathematics, etc.,-- all part of a religious conspiracy -- that has been at work over many centuries implanting the incredible evolution myth about the origin of the Universe, the Earth, and Mankind. This interview will be a "crash course" for people everywhere of all ages who are ready to learn how evolutionary mythology has deceived the world...and what it will mean to every living person when that deception is exposed.
Marshall is the author of several books including:
The Earth Is Not Moving, The Truth About Evolution & 12 other titles.
The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.
The universe is not one ten trillionth the size we are told.
Cosmology is an anti-Bible religious plan disguised as "science".
The scheme from Copernicanism to Big Bangism is a factless lie.
Those lies have planted the Truth-killing virus of evolutionism in every aspect of man’s "knowledge" about the Universe, the Earth, and the Creator
The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun
by Pleasuredome 17 Replies latest jw friends
Nothing like a nice crackpot url to start out my day.
Ahh. Finally undiluted bible truth.
Dam, There goes my excuse when I get dizzy from drinking and fall down.
Mr Hall is entitled to his opinion, like everyone else is. I can't think of too many people who will share it.
oh yeah.........and Pluto is not a planet, don't forget that one.
It's guys like him who make the job of us atheists so much easier.
Perhaps this should be in the "humor" section. I love how these freaks equate "scientific theory" with a layman's hunch... i.e. the 'theory' of evolution. On top of it all, it is a pretty crap webpage. Perhaps someone will purchase one of the books, and his page will be able to evolve.
I followed the link you provided and read this guy's stuff on a non-rotating earth ... he says a whole lot of nothing. He offers no explanation, but merely a question that infers an alternative theory ... but, he says nothing beyond. He is a crackpot on the order of Russell and Rutherford.
Jim Whitney
I can't believe these posts! How can any of you dispute what is obviously disreputable, ultrafutable, scientifigant facts? Wait a minute... you are all involved in wizardry aren't you? What with your evil occultish logic-based agendas. A pox on all of you!