January 14, 2007; the most bizarre comments I have ever heard at a Hall

by MinisterAmos 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MinisterAmos

    I've been keeping notes of stupid comments from the podium and audience after each meeting, and my wife has dutifully been disposing of them.

    I figure I'll just throw my notes up here so we can all enjoy them for posterity.

    Did I mention it was a Pioneer who commented from the audience that she "would never eat with them" meaning her non-JW neighbors? The PO should have given her a beat-down from the podium right then rather than let that kind of idea fester among the congo, maybe even explaind the parable of the Samaritan for all of them.

    The un-checked hatred, intolerance and arrogance expressed by the more virulent members is one of the reasons why the Dubz have screwed up what should be a decent religion.

  • J-ex-W
    He then went on to tell us that Billy Graham said on the Johnny Carson show that the JWs are the only religion that follows the Bible and that he wanted to be one of them but that it was "too hard". Anyone else catch that episode?

    Interesting. Is that Billy Jr. or Billy Sr.? And how long ago? Because I heard a long time ago that it was Jane Fonda on the Johnny Carson Show, saying she believed the JW's had the truth but that she felt the standards were too high, that she couldn't live up to them. How many JW apologists are there on the Carson Show, anyway? Are these stories real or JW urban legends, or what?

  • joe_black

    In the words of my friend from Mumbai it's all Booooolsheeeeeit!

  • r51785

    Actually the real story of what happened is this: Billy Graham was guest-hosting the Tonight Show when John Denver came on and asked all the JW's to leave. Billy then pointed to Jane Fonda who was the preceding guest and said that she had studied with the JW's and then told John Denver that since the JW's were the only true religion that he would have to leave the show and go backstage and marry Ted Turner. I swear this is true because I heard it from a sister who knew a Bethel brother who heard it from a CO's second cousin who wasn't actually baptized but knew an elder in California who had a sister-in-law who worked several blocks away from a guy who lived in Burbank. Of course as you all know, The Tonight Show is taped in Burbank. See, that proves it!!!!!!!!!!

  • r51785

    One more thing........... The reason that Jane Fonda didn't get baptized after studying was not that the JW's have such strict standards. It was because no one at the Hall could explain to her who the KIng of The North was. Billy Graham agreed with her that it was not a good idea to join any religion until they identify the King of The North. At that point Ted Turner burst onto the stage and screamed that he was The King of The North, but Jane said he was just drunk because he was upset about having to marry John Denver.

  • jwfacts
    People want to be JWs because "they are discouraged by pedopilia, political involvement and the waste of funds" in false religion.

    I thought that was why people were leaving the JWs.

  • steve2

    I thought the reason Jane Fonda didn't get baptized was because, as a spokeswoman for Garnier (or is it Max Factor?), she was afraid that the dip under the water would ruin her makeup and she'd come back up looking like the hag she really is.



    I admire someone who can use scripture well done, now wonder you left the wts they don’t allow people to do things like that, the reason being is that can’t answer them, such complicated things like scriptures. !!!


  • lovelylil


    Thanks for sharing this. I don't know how the congregation can sit there are listen to this dribble without laughing thier heads off!


    Great reasoning using the scriptures. It is obvious that the WT and JW's do not understand even a basic scriptural principle. The one that came to my mind immediately which you included was "accept those weak in the faith". Instead the JW's are told to reject those in the faith. I always thought there was no love in the org. and this confirms it.

    About the Carson story - I heard about 10 versions of this urban legend myself.

    One last thought - Jehovah may be unhappy but aren't we all happy to be out of the Wackytower? Lilly

  • tijkmo

    a couple of weeks ago there was a story about a sky diver whose parachute didnt open and he landed in a bush and suffered only a broken ankle or something

    the speaker at a hall near glasgow on sunday used this in his talk...seemingly the skydiver prayed while he was falling so his survival is proof that god answers prayers..

    as to the obvious question as to all those that have died due to parachutes not opening then the conclusion was that they didnt pray (unprovable since they are dead) or that they were not witnesses.

    someone in the audience was heard to mutter "would a jw be skydiving"

    but apart from that no indication of brain usage was evident

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