Do you have a personal hero?

by zagor 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    David Brent

  • bernadette

    Christ through the ages first

    Littletoe and Xena - joint second

  • free2beme

    On my space account, I did not single out a person, but rather a type.

    Anyone who has survived cancer. Anyone who is willing to be themselves, and not conform to others. Anyone who ever left a cult and lived to tell about it.

  • lisavegas420

    my husband's pretty cool. But you probably don't want him on your myspace as your hero.

    i didn't put anything down for a hero either. My husband put...The Lone Ranger, Soilders in Iraq, and his Dad. Ain't that sweet.


  • avidbiblereader

    Christ, the the apostle Paul


  • willyloman

    You mean, besides Ray Franz?

    Well, there's my wife - who, when I said, "I don't think I want to do this any more" said, "I'm with you."

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Jesus first. How beautiful to be the Creator of the world and yet paid the price for my screw-ups. His love lead me to my husband.

    My sweet husband second. He made it possible for me to live again, to ride again, to love again. He has made my dreams come true. Dreams that I thought would never be fulfilled in this life.

  • parakeet

    No personal hero. As I get older, I realize that even the best of us are screwed up in one way or another. There are some people I admire, despite (and in some cases, because of) their flaws.

    On this board, I admire Farkel most, because of his painfully honest, no-holds-barred, and very intelligent posts.

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