I 've heard snippets of this absurd urban myth about Jay Leno asking J Denver to leave his show because he hated JW's. But why on earth on a prime time slot would J Leno start asking J Denver about jw's? and I don't think J Leno is a particularly spiritual guy or WT supporter is he?
John Denver v Jay Leno
by pobthespazz 44 Replies latest social entertainment
Nathan Natas
I think the proof is that John Denver is dead.
What right-thinking person doesn't recognize that he was murdered by Jay Leno for his Dubish sympathies?
I've heard the story of Johnny Carson doing that. I heard that it was because a lot of Carson's crew were witnesses and he could trust them.
I think the rumor was Johnny Carson and John Denver, and I think it is also a JW Urban Legend.
Nathan Natas
OF COURSE Johnny Carson killed John Denver first, but then Jay Leno killed him again when Jay took over the tonight show. It was like a rite-of-passage thing, I think. And I happen to know that "Doc" Severnson does not have a medical degree!
I heard this with a different twist.... The story was that John Denver had a concert, and before it started he asked everyone in the audience who was a JW to please stand up. There were several there, and after they stood up, John Denver asked them to leave.
Nathan Natas
...and THAT's when they killed him!
Darth Yhwh
I heard this with a different twist.... The story was that John Denver had a concert, and before it started he asked everyone in the audience who was a JW to please stand up. There were several there, and after they stood up, John Denver asked them to leave.
I heard this same rumor, only it wasn't John Denver.....It was the Blue Oyster Cult.....LOL
I heard this with a different twist.... The story was that John Denver had a concert, and before it started he asked everyone in the audience who was a JW to please stand up. There were several there, and after they stood up, John Denver asked them to leave.
That's not a different version......just a different story. Funny thing is, I have Dub friends who were big John Denver fans in the 1970s and they used to go his concerts all the time. They never mentioned even once being asked to leave because The Force told Country Boy that they were in the audience.
This whole thing about either Johnny Carson or Jay Leno ordering him off the show because he 'hated' Witnesses is also another fantasy. These guys are there to entertain people, not get into a discussion about what religion they don't like. It's highly unlikely that they would purposely invite a guest on there for the sole purpose of embarassing them in front of millions of viewers by ordering them off the show.
I heard this with a different twist.... The story was that John Denver had a concert, and before it started he asked everyone in the audience who was a JW to please stand up. There were several there, and after they stood up, John Denver asked them to leave.
I've heard it told that way, and I've also heard it told that John Denver was very patriotic, and he would ask EVERYONE to stand for the national anthem. Those who didn't were asked to leave. Of course JWs, always looking for persecution, took it to be against them personally.
Whenever I went to a sporting event, I would stand for the National Anthem, or else conveniently be out getting refreshments until it was over. Cut me some slack though, I didn't join up voluntarily.