Did you think of that? Thats very imaginitive. Lets see if things do indeed turn out that way!
The death of the last Jehovah's Witness
by free2beme 27 Replies latest jw friends
So may it be with all organized reelijun.
This item from Wikipedia will put this in perspective:
The Shakers, a Protestant religious denomination, originated in Manchester, England in 1772 under the leadership of Mother Ann Lee, who moved the 9-person group to the United States in 1774. They built 19 communal settlements that attracted over the next century some 200,000 converts. Strict believers in celibacy, Shakers maintained their numbers through conversion and adoption of orphans. Turnover was very high; the group reached maximum size of about 6,000 full members in 1850, and now has four members left.
Note that the group (famous mostly for their simple furniture, which is still sold in some parts of the U.S.) started in 1772 with few members and within 100 years had grown with dramatically. That means by 1872, they were one of those "fastest growing religions" you hear about. However, their adherence to celibacy meant they had to rely on converts to grow and they are now down to four little old ladies on the East Coast, waiting to die. Their religion will die with them. Assuming this happens in the next couple of decades, their "shelf life" will have been less than 250 years.
Apply this formula to the WTBTS and they've got about another 100 years until the last one dies.
I'm surprised the obituary skipped right over the Armageddon prediction in 2034. (combined years of the first 3 kings of Israel, amount of years it took to build the ark and how old Moses was... 1914 + 120 = 2034) I guess the worldly newspapers are no better at reporting in the future than they are today.
Loved it!
Good idea, that was cool.
Did you think of that? Thats very imaginitive.
Yes, I just thought it would be a fun topic.
By 2041 when the Witnesses were down to just 50 congregation left worldwide and an average age of 65 attended, Mr McDonald was still out in field service once a week. HE REMEMBERS BEFORE 2034- THE LAST TIME THEY SAID THAT ARMAGEDDON WOULD ARRIVE, THAT THERE WERE MILLIONS OF WITNESSES ALL DEVOTED TO PROCLAIMING THE END OF THE WORLD- BUT MOST HAD LEFT BY 2036. He mentioned how no one ever came to go with him anymore, and he had to print Watchtowers from before 2034 himself, he still preached the message from door to door. You see, after 2035, the Watchtower rights were sold to a local printing firm who used the name for advertising benefits and soon you would read about Jesus history, next to an ad for Pepsi. Soon it went from bad to worse, when the new publisher of the Watchtower tried to resurrect a dying title with a new series on, "Sexy woman of sin," in which for the first time in 2038, a full nude center fold was placed in it's pages. Most people don't even realize this magazine name today, for it's Christian publication history, as it is now sold behind the counter as a nudity magazine called, "Watchtower, proclaiming the beauty of sex."
Mr McDonald was known as the last Witness from 2045 on. When there was no longer a record keeping of those attending. Although a Mrs Tina Burns in Kentucky also claimed the title, until her death two years before Mr McDonald, it was later learned THAT THE WITNESSES THOUGHT VERY LITTLE OF WOMEN UNLESS THEY WERE OUT IN THE PREACHING WORK EVERY DAY. MRS. BURNS STOPPED HER FIELD SERVICE BACK IN 2035, AND WAS DISFELLOWSHIPPED (EXCOMMUNICATED) IN 2043 WHEN THERE WERE STILL THREE ELDERS TO HAVE A JUDICIAL COMMITTEE. Mr McDonald's passing is a page out of a long ago history, and soon many people will not even know the name Jehovah's Witness anymore with his death. Although, as the Pope stated in 2070, she felt that many religions in time do change and like the Witnesses, even the Catholic church itself may soon find it's roles down to near record lows in time.
Mr McDonald will be buried at noon Saturday, and services will be handled by a his children in a traditional Witness ceremony. Although, at the time of this publishing, his son was quoted to say, "Was it really this boring", and might end up just reading a poem instead. Mr McDonalds final words were, "Why so long ... "
If you write a book, feel free to use my highlighted suggestions for your story.
Wouldn't you just hate it if the Watchtower successfully spun a new story about the significance of 2034 and the Witnesses got all fired up (again) followed by a new period of spectacular growth.
I'll never forget how the slowed growth of witnesses in the mid 1960s was dramatically reversed with the clever story about 1975.
Remember: This is a religion that not only survived but flourished following the other abysmal prophetic failures.
Yes, but if the 60's and 70's had the internet, I think it would have been different.
new boy
"Imagine"............................"no religion too"!