Door to Door Dangers

by Outaservice 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Outaservice

    I understand people's growing reluctance to answer their doors anymore with the crime rate soaring etc. JW's must be a nuisance to many because of this.

    However, as a JW did you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation because of calling on someone who was dangerous? Do you feel, or did you feel you would have had Divine protection in such cases? Has anyone ever been 'hurt' in the field service?


  • ButtLight
    Has anyone ever been 'hurt' in the field service?

    Only when i had my fingers in the crack of the door when they slammed it in my face!

  • JH

    I NEVER liked stepping on the lot where there was a dog.

    Often in the country, dogs were loose and if the owner didnt like us, the dogs felt it...

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Outaservice, a JW did you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation because of calling on someone who was dangerous?

    Years ago, myself and one of the "elders" went to a door at a "deer camp" kind of place. This in the middle of Timbuktu. Before we were able to get to the door, we were met by a mountainman. He said "Jehovah's? Take one more step and there's a shotgun pointed at you from inside the house". Instead of running our pathetic asses off, "Brother Numbnuts (the brave "elder") says. "Now why do you feel that way?"...... Blah Blah Blah.

    Talk about wanting to kick him in the shins and run. I turned around and jogged back to the car and left the idiot standing there.


  • LongHairGal

    Several times I felt unsafe over the years. This made me feel even worse about going door to door since I already had deep-seated doubts about the religion in the first place. So, I felt like a real idiot bothering people.


  • anewme

    On most days I felt absolutely ridiculous and a pest.

    Add that to very low self esteem and you have one messed up smiley person at your door telling you how to get to paradise.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Our territory was mainly rural. Lots of vicious farm dogs, and a few times we would walk up to a door and there was the barrel of a shotgun poking out. I remember two sisters having to get out of the car and kick a dog off one of the girls.

    Once when I was about 17 a girl friend and I were working in town, got invited in by this guy (it was winter and bitter cold) that was a real nut job. He had all kinds of math problems written all over his walls, and went on and on about the chariot that is in Ezekiel was really a UFO. We couldn't get out of the house and finally the other people in the car with us found out what house we were in and came and got us out of there! I had never been so scared in all my life!


  • lfcviking

    No never got physically hurt, but we had a bucket of water thrown at us once, fortunately it hit the lad i was working with and not me.

  • metaspy

    DOGS = Danger! I have had several run-ins with dogs.
    1)there was a happy dog wagging tail, I walked through an archway in the fence (to get to the only door on the house). dog turned into evil dog - hair standing on end, growling, ready to remove most of my vital organs. Thankfully those in the car got his attention and I made it to the car safely.

    2)Friend was approaching house when a woman came out. she was on the phone and just told him to leave the mags at the bottom of the stairway to the porch. As he was bending down to leave the magazines, this dog zipped over (quietly) and jumped up to take a hunk out of his bottom. the woman of the house shouted for the dog. The dog looked over at the woman and head-butted my friend's bottom. (that's how close the dog was to actually biting him!)

  • Stealth453

    Has anyone ever been 'hurt' in the field service?

    Only those we were calling on.

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