Hey Kate, I missed the Mp3. Where was it posted? seek2find
History channel Show Paradise lost
by seek2find 16 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, I saw it but did you see the program that preceded it about the cults? That was a real eye-opener. As far as the similarities you mention, I saw them too. There would have been a time I would have been embarrassed to admit this but now I am glad they are showing programs like this. (There is a similar thread on this same topic).
The public needs to be made aware.
LHG I didn't get to see all the one before, I'll have to catch it another time. I'm like you, at one time I would have tried to defend the ORG but I don't feel that way any more. I really relate to the dads that lost their kids, that's the way it will be for me eventualy. seek2find
I actually watched this and it haunted me until the middle of the night. I seriously could not get to sleep from tossing and turning over what is to come w/the borg.
This morning I had a conversation w/my jw husband about the show and it so strange because he can sit and bemoan how terrible it was yet he won't allow himself to put two and two together. I was VERY tempted to make a comparison, but my husband is smart and he doesn't need me to point out the obvious. Anyhow, what struck me especially hard was how Jim Jones painted the media and governments as evil and how they were automatically against them. Isn't that what the society does too?
Really, the most haunting part of the show was how they forced the babies and children to drink the kool-aid. I nearly vomited during that scene. It was just too painful to imagine a parents doing that to their child. I can't. even. imagine.
Yes, I watched both programs. It's amazing how some individuals have so much charisma that people follow them blindly. It may have been a nice dream at the beginning, but it turned into a nightmare. At the end, in Jonestown, when some people wanted out, it was too late. While some people drank the poison willingly, many did not. Don't know whether to call it mass murder or mass suicide.