Have you recovered financially since leaving the Tower?

by lovelylil 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Once I stopped pioneering and started working full-time, my financial problems cleared; that was about 25 years ago. I left the WTS only 5 years ago; so for 20 years I did not let the WTS dictate my financial status. I saw too many elders who had good-paying jobs and/or businesses. I did see some pioneer long enough for the husband to be appointed an elder, then it was back to the moneyfields.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Well, yes, now that I am free to work 7 days a week, I will be making a lot more. I was just offered a "new" part-time position with some current client/friends as a personal assistant/housekeeper. (Hoping to get out of the housecleaning biz altogether, soon).

    Hopefully, I won't lose my mind. If I keep two of the clients I was considering dropping, I'll be able to fix my car and get my daughter a new (used) car when she graduates from high school in the spring. (It will also keep us from having to borrow money from my jw parents who are shunning me). JWism did not permit that sort of "excess" - working overtime to improve life in the here and now - especially if one needed to work on a Sunday, as I will be doing. Additionally, as a Witless, I would be counseled that my Saturday's field service should not be sacrificed for such worldly pursuits as full-time work.

    Such foolishness! JWs are much too preoccupied with controlling each other and preaching the "good news" of Armageddon. The JWs I grew up with would certainly not approve of my habit of collecting - and actually reading -"worldly" books. That habit can only be maintained with a good, steady income, especially if one has taken to buying science books. (Dang, they're pricey!) It also requires a bit of time to read them - time I ain't spendin' at no stinkin' meetin's or studying foolish Watchtower books!

    When my daughter goes to college, I will likely do the same and get my four-year degree; I settled for an Associates, basically a useless degree - (when it's in Liberal Arts) - as far as the world of work goes. If I were still a Witless, I probably would never have even gotten an associate's degree; if I did manage to do so, they would expect me to settle for that, bemoaning this unfair, "old system of things," instead of encouraging me to improve my situation with more education (or work). This is a very sad thing, especially for young women lacking family support in the bOrg, although it does seem to be changing a little.

    Although my life is challenging and sometimes exhausting, I wouldn't trade one bad day as a non-believer for 1000 good days as a Witless! After all, I have too many good, worldly books to buy and read.

    I might not be rich, but I can afford to do what I like. I live life on life's terms, not in some cut and paste Watchtower bullsh*t fantasy/dreamworld.

  • okie46

    I have always made a fairly decent living, mainly because of being a dedicated worker. But I always wanted to work in the medical field and put it off because of the time involved in going to college, and I believed in the "Well you know with the "end of the system of things" coming anyday, why put valuable time into pursuing a worldly education and career". Now I am going to college full time to work in the medical field and soon will be able to work in the field that I have always wanted. Wish I had done this 25 years ago, but better late than never!!!!!!!!!!! My Main regret is that I do not have money put back for retirement, but that will change as soon as I get to work in my new career.

  • Scully
    the JWs I have met have made such a huge point about how the WTS doesn't ask for money

    Just because the collection plate doesn't get passed around, doesn't mean that the WTS doesn't ask for money, because that is one of the few things that the WTS has done consistently for at least the last 30 years.

    Every convention or assembly always includes an accounts report toward the end of the sessions, reporting a large shortfall (which is fudged because it does not include monies received already that day) that must be collected in order to cover the event's expenses.

    At least once a month, the congregation has to listen to its own accounts report, usually reporting a deficit that needs to be made up in order to cover the congregation's basic expenses like rent, heat, electricity. The congregation may also get letters from the WTS reminding them of certain financial obligations (rent, repayment of Kingdom Hall Building Fund™ loan payments, etc.) or if they have just hosted the Circuit Overseer™'s visit, they will pass a resolution to cover his expenses while serving their congregation - this may include gas for his vehicle, dry cleaning, eating out, etc.

    Every December, the WTS publishes an article on how to "honour Jehovah with our valuable things", which is basically an instruction manual for the various ways people can donate to the WTS. It includes trust funds, outright donations of money or other valuables (including property), conditional donations, interest free loans, bequests, and so on.

    Please do not believe what your JW acquaintances tell you about the WTS never asking for money. It is a bold-faced LIE. I would recommend attending one convention, and make note of how many times donating is brought up to the audience. The audience is basically in a trance-like state and won't even notice the demands for money. But do yourself a favour and force yourself to pick out each and every request for donations. And then, don't ever go back.

  • avidbiblereader

    I agree I spent a lot of money in pioneering, FS period, lost overtime, meetings and running to them and assemblies, but how can you ever recover from not living up to your potential with an education and really doing and being all that you can do and be? No I dont think one can ever recover from that. Losing 22 years to that mentality and thinking, not investing in stocks and retirement. NO WAY.


  • lisavegas420

    Since we're on the subject..This week when I was talking to my dad for the first time in years, ...he said how happy and blessed he was in Jehovah's Org. ....I said since leaving I've been way more happy and way more blessed ....He said...Satan blesses his followers.


  • avidbiblereader

    Satan doesnt bless his followers, again going beyond the things written and grasping for straws. Such stupid reasoning


  • lisavegas420
    Satan doesnt bless his followers, again going beyond the things written and grasping for straws. Such stupid reasoning

    Did you like that one...here's another one from our little conversation. A few years ago I got another poster from this board to send him COC from her state. ....hoping he would think it someone from his past...anyway he asked if I sent the book.

    I said..."What was it about?"..He said.."I didn't read it, it was written by and an apostate." I said, "How do you know he was an apostate?" He said..."Because he was df'd." I said..Why was he df'd? He said "because he was an apostate?" I said "How do you know he was an apostate?" He said..."I told you lisa because he was df'd."


  • tijkmo

    nope...im broke

    much better off when i was window cleaning..

  • lilybird

    Yes, we are much better off now. My husband was able to take courses and work towards a better paid position in his company. All my children are attending college and university so they will have good paying jobs and jobs they will enjoy.

    When we were first married and good mind controlled dubs, my husband tried to get started in his own business, while he was also working fulltime. Elders counselled him and other brothers talked to him about how it would pull him away from the org. We unfortunately listened to them and gave up the business. We would have been much better off at this time.

    But the best thing is.. we are no longer mind numbed dubs!!!

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