My old KH had a personal visit from me today!

by moshe 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • moshe

    Those JW's are going to go home and read that Jan1 2007 WT with a fine tooth comb looking for that admission. Of course, we already know that everytime the GB changes a doctrine or teaching they have all but admitted they they didn't have God's spirit when they wrote the original article. Every WT article should be prefaced with a disclaimer "this is an interesting possibilty we thought up". If a JW can see this, it's all over for them at the KH, isn't it?

  • Outaservice

    I think the term should be...........


    Outaservice (did I spell that right?)

  • JWdaughter

    Moshe, you are awesome. good job.

  • hubert

    Wow !! You got guts, Moshe.

    Great anti-witnessing.


  • ValiantBoy

    great..there are some really nice people in the org who just have no idea about how things are... I was one of them :)

    The sad thing is, that in my heydey, I would have asked you to leave and escorted you out. Glad you found a more receptive repsponse!

  • megsmomma

    Hey are sooo cooool! You have gone from calls to showing up in person. You are a force to be reckonned with!

  • J-ex-W
    sweet! You are like the traveling Circuit Apostaseer.


  • outnfree

    Very impressive! Your calm demeanor and good information may really release some of those captives from bondage one day. Good for you! out

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    These reactions are very strange indeed. It seems there are openings that were never berfore possible. It's almost like they are aware already of the problems and are tired of there defensive posturing. They know that they are trapped in there and don't have the same convictions as before. Maybe things are changing. I would think just one of those apostate comments would have resulted in an instant shutdown or an escoted walk to the door. These witnesses are probably internet savvy nowadays. Good for you moshe. It's nice to have recent updates on the state of these zombies. I have been gone for 20 years myself. Maybe I should give it a try to. Planting these little seed bombs might just some day greatly diminish the hold on these captive minds and the internet can do the rest. I would love to see a huge falling out some day!

  • moshe

    Tyrone, I think that one brother I talked to was looking for someone to lead him out. He kept asking what religon I was, like maybe I had discovered the real truth. I told him each person has to find his own path to God. I directed him to the internet. If he follows my advice he might soon be saying " free at last, praise God I'm free"

    sweet! You are like the traveling Circuit Apostaseer. Ha-- do, I submit my expense's to Simon or to Lady Lee?

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