The strangest looking (and acting) nut jobs you have ever seen at the KH!

by new boy 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic
    You do realize that you summed up the religion in a single phrase? It is LOADED with people who are clinically but controllably insane.

    MinisterAmos how true that is! I used to wonder at times if the inmates were running the I know. I always felt like a human doing in that organization rather than a human being. I just wanted to be me and it be enough. Oh well.....I don't know why but this topic struck a nerve with me today and I'm really a bit emotional over it.

  • bikerchic


    People might be pleasantly surprised at what they find and may well find them to be better people than the ones with a better outward appearance.

    I learned that very early on in life, something I'm grateful for.

  • blondie

    Actually, I encountered more eccentric people outside the WTS. The ones I knew at the KH were looking for help or hope and didn't find it any more did less eccentric people. I tended to feel empathy for anyone that did not find the compassion they were looking for. I grew up with "different" people in my family, developmentally disabled, mentally ill with schizophrenia, bipolar, etc. I didn't feel that the WTS caused diabetes so neither did it cause physically caused mental illnesses. I always tried to help people that didn't seem to understand what was "normal."t

  • pobthespazz

    yeah gotta good one , a guy celled Steve , nice guy , harmless but smelly and I think his brain was fried from too much acid and smoking puff, but 1 time he took his unsocked shoe off at a book study....... not a nice sight, another time me and his study were walking down the high street and we saw him walking towards us the bro said "Steve where have you been?" when he replied "I 've been chopping down trees!"

  • Gregor

    There were so many...but I wouldn't use the term "nut jobs". I like "eccentric" better.

    There was Pete and Jo (as in Josephine) Palakas. He was from the old country, Greece. They were pioneers. They had a fifties model Chevy station wagon. Clean as a pin. Pete couldn't drive. He always sat in the backseat on the passenger side, like he was being chauffuered. Jo wore thick glasses that made her eyes look huge. She also had the habit of almost constantly grinding her teeth. It made a sound like a frog croaking. It became a normal part of the background noise during the meetings. They were in their late sixties/early seventies. I was in their car group many times in field service and I really liked them both. I would do things that would make Pete laugh but I never really knew what I'd done. He barely spoke english, wore suspenders without a jacket. Their car smelled strange but not bad. 3 speed stick. Jo would change gears with a slam and resume her death grip on the wheel, grinding her teeth like we were driving through a mine field.

  • pobthespazz

    Gregor LMAO

    Another kid in our cong called David was a black boy of about 35 but had a mental age of a 4 year old but harmless and would have his hand up for every question usally answering just Jehoobahh , but this one study he had something different up his sleeve, " Satan's going to cause a civil war".................... classic

  • new boy
    new boy

    When I was in N.Y.C Inwood congo.

    This one "sister" would come up to me every month with her field service report, and she would say " You see brother Casarona 32 hours 12 back calls 34 magazines and 2 bible studies Isn't that good?"..........I would say " thats great"........she was from Germany. there was a 3x 6 ft. oil painting of her father in her living room full SS nazis uniform..................Yes, she had made the jump from the Nazis country to a Nazis religion.

  • onacruse

    Hiya Keith. Enjoying the wonderful Portland road conditions? LOL

    Ahhh, yes--the Nichols family. I don't know why they were the way they were, but I do know that they had a particular attraction to me...and now, with a very sincere respect for them, I take that as a compliment.

    I met her and her 2 boys not too long ago, at a GoodWill store; they were looking well, and Mike was remarkably "better" than I would have otherwise imagined him to be.

    Too bad that, in spite of my "inner voice," I let my "it will all be better in the New System" mentality interfere with what I felt about them as individual human beings.



    When the congregation bought property for the use of a Kingdom Hall they put a false ceiling in.

    Before the ceiling could be put up an elder insisted that the existing ceiling had to be painted first.

    As the old ceiling could not be seen when the new one was up, I questioned this and the amount of extra work this would involve, was told "When the Holy spirit comes in, it goes behind these places" I would never decry the Holy spirit but surely we can use common sense.


  • seek2find

    We Had a guy who was not a witness but came often who would sometimes wear his Hard Hat that he wore at his Job. He passed out business cards that had Scriptures and Spaceships all over both sides and would often mumble about being on a mission from God. He would flirt with the young Girls and make everyone uncomfortable. He moved away eventualy, thank goodness. seek2find

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