My oldest son informed me tonight that he will not have a relationship until/ unless I do two things: 1) Start going back to meetings (of course), and 2) Show, seem, or whatever, that I'm sorry for all the pain that I caused him/ the family by divorcing their dad. [I told him there are a lot of decisions I made that caused them pain which I do regret, but that I CANNOT regret leaving their dad. This for him, is evidence of my wrongness in his and in WT eyes.
He said outright that "there can be no reason, short of dad being a serial killer" that could justify my divorcing him, and that the "only thing [that I] could tell him that would seem to justify it could only be a pack of lies." He doesn't know anywhere near even half of what his dad used to do...he wouldn't believe me if I told him. Now all three of my boys (ages 18, 16, and 12) have cut off association with me on these same grounds. None of them knows...none of them would believe....
BTW, my earliest posts tell a little bit: My ex used to abuse me in all ways, including sexually, and he also molested two of his sisters. [One accused him years ago and was dismissed as a liar, and the second HE CONFESSED TO ME HIMSELF later on.] I can't tell my boys this. I want to defend myself, but I feel like my hands are absolutely tied.......
Does anyone have any feedback about what can be done in a situation like this? I have no clue what I could do.... My heart is breaking..........