The Devil ?
by Vida 11 Replies latest jw friends
More likely yhwh, the fire elemental which moses met in the burning bush. It likes fires and destruction. Remember too, that it led the israelis through the wilderness with a column of smoke by day and a column of fire by night. Here it is again. I wonder if it wants to lead people out of ny city this time - babylon? Just joking.
That's weird. I see a duckie.
See! I hope this begins to put to rest the stories about the vast majority of 'hidden images' in the literature. Humans see images even in clouds of smoke that form randomly. You can find whatever you want to imagine -- just look hard enough. The mind will take care of it for you.
It looks a bit like a pissed off timothy mcveigh too. heh heh
I hope you are being sarcastic Seeker. Thats either a deliberate camera trick or its something stranger, its a bit too well defined for random occurence.
SS- As for it being "YHWH" - "no man shall ever see my face and live" and that is sure a picture of a face in the smoke. Besides, it was a totally man-made tragedy.
Naeblis- thats not a duckie. Thats a devilie.
Hey.......wasn't there a guy on H20 who was always seeing things in the clouds - like Jesus?
Now we see the Devil in the smoke?
I did see Mickey Mouse in one of those cloud pictures on H20 - but I think Disney was behind it. Of course, with their money - they could actually pull it off, eh?
logical,This picture was on the news recently,it was proven to have been altered.
Has anyone seen the devils face at any time? How can you be sure its the devil and not mcviegh?
No, I was being serious. As someone then pointed out, this is a doctored photo apparently. Fine. But as we see in rock formations and other natural occurrences, the most amazing similarities can appear randomly. The human brain is expert at finding patterns, even where they shouldn't. I was relating this to the repeated claims that the Art Department is hiding images in the Watchtower. It's more likely that the human brain sees images that appear randomly during the process of reducing a 2' x 3' painting down to a 2" x 3" Watchtower illustration.