*** Public Address by District Overseer Bro. Charles Sunutko in Spring 1967 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
[Recording of this talk available in RealAudio format, 2,745kb, approx 22 minute recording]
"Serving With Everlasting Life in View"
"The Watchtower 1964, page 722, paragraph 24, and listen to this: "TENS of billions will be back".
How many are tens of billions? Well at least 20 billion. 'Cause to have tens of billions in the billions, you have to have two sets of ten billion. So at the very minimum figure, lets say even 20 billion coming back. What a fantastic accomplishment that's going to be for our Lord, Jesus Christ."
So how can 20 billion fit into the earth?? There would be anarchy if this was true.