Going door to door to recruit members doesn't work

by JH 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LovesDubs

    Isnt it in C of C that Ray quotes someone at Bethel saying that they couldnt stop the preaching work and making the R&F report time because "they cant be trusted". So what better way to weed out the unsupportive and weak than to see that their TIME is low? They can then categorize people as they love to do...as spiritually strong or spiritually weak or BAD ASSOCIATION.

    There are so FEW converts from the door to door work that it has created a sub culture within the organization that forces JWs to KILL and MAIM anybody who tries to steal their calls, let alone their bible studies. The "interested ones" are so few and far apart that they have become like diamonds. That part on the assembly where they do experiences after lunch....cripes...its harder and harder to find anybody who still HAS any success stories!

    I was one of the "good" JWs and had steady time in the service, reasonably intelligent, well spoken, actually prepared a presentation...and I was woefully UNSUCCESSFUL at it!


  • dark angle
    dark angle

    Abishai, thanks for putting it back to perspective. for that i appreciate. however the question of the efficiency of D2D remains the same. are we,JWs, open to more efficient ways in to reach out the lost sheep? could we be more up the times in methods that reach people effectively?

  • IsaacJS2

    Yes, I remember the Society's cries of financial woe. Yet it is also a multi-billion dollar "nonprofit" corporation--and that's only the money moving through the New York branch office alone. These are a matter of public record for nonprofits. Of course, people often forget about the local KH because they're giving all their money to the Society itself. These funds are separate. One does not reflect on the other. They used to talk about our KH as needing funds from time to time as well, but that has nothing to do with the Society itself.

    I was actually told by the Elders at my congregation that the donation arrangement has been netting the Society considerably more money. The Society and some other TV evangelist took the govt to task over changes in the tax laws that required them to pay taxes if they stamped a fixed price on the literature. But they lost. That's why the donation arrangement was instituted in the first place. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself. My point is that they later found out that it works in their favor, not against.

    This makes total sense. If I say this magazine costs $2, you'll probably give me $2. If I say we take donations, and that there are tons of people who can't afford this stuff, and it would be great if you could help out... Well, if you believe in my cause, you might give me $5 or $10 easy. When I was a Witness, we were constantly being reminded of this. And the literature costs a lot less for the Society than it does for corporated printing presses cause the labor is so cheap. On top of that, it's still tax free. What more could you want?

    People I knew would give hundreds at the conventions if they could afford it, yet the Society admitted that it literally only cost them less than $4 a head at our conventions! All of this profit seriously adds up in a big way. And now I hear they aren't even providing food and drinks(?) Can you say, "mo' money, mo' money, mo' money..."


  • Bangalore



  • wasblind

    No, it's not workin' anymore, all it does is waste gas, no one can say the WTS promotes a clean green environment.

  • eric356

    Well, everyone says it doesn't work anymore, but they are still one of the fastest growing religions in the USA (at least in 2008). Something doesn't square there.

  • tenyearsafter


    My favorite little saying is: "figures never lie, but liars figure". The growth numbers attributed to JW's is always stated in percentage increase. That is fine if you are comparing same to same, but that is not the case here. To say that JW's with 7 million members is faster growing than a religion with 100 million members is deceiving if you compare percentages. That is like saying that if I started a religion with myself and and my wife, and we added one member we would have experienced a 50% growth rate that year...does that make my religion the fastest growing in the USA? If you compare total number of members increased, JW's aren't even close...

  • Joshinaz

    We have been finding that the growth is not so much in the English speaking American JW congregations, but more so in countries with not much education. Someone wrote me from Romania saying the bible studies are on a waiting list. Where here in America people are leaving the congregations in droves. Also here in Arizona, the Spanish Speaking congregations are starting to outnumber the engish speaking ones. My sister (the Super JW) moved to Brazil to learn portuguese so she can go back to her home state in Ma. to help and attend a portuguses speaking congregation. I'm sorry if I refer to the Spanish speaking or Portuguese speaking people as uneducated. I dont want to offend anyone. But these are the facts that I'm seeing.

  • eric356


    I understand that there is a difference between size and growth, between a net increase and a percentage increase. The WT religion is a niche faith, not a mainstream one. However, this thread is about whether door-to-door sales techniques are effective. I don't know if they are, but something is working for the WT. If they have growth, something they are doing is working. Comparing total (net) increase in membership is actually more misleading than a percentage increase. If you add 50,000 Catholics, it's not that big of a deal, but for JWs in the USA, that 5% growth. Because they have a smaller membership base, you have to normalize the numbers in order to compare them to other religions.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    then that gives the R&F alot of free time. Free time on your hands is a big no-no in any cult, becaus it gives you the opportunity to THINK and we can't have that.

    Maybe it's so the angels won't have alot of free time on their hands......remember the angels are sharing in this preaching work and helping the JW's separate the sheep from the goats.

    Think About It

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