How many have/will/plan to attend a WNFJ convention in Penn?

by AK - Jeff 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • junctions-wife

    To be honest, I went with david in 2005 while we were half way together. I had more fun going to the conference than I had except for the Dallas crowd. you learn so much from others that you don't know what to think. And for me who was never a JW, it was a time to sit back and think of how parents and people you trusted could be so cruel. And to think I thought parents were cruel moving me allover the earth due the millitary. I think everyone has different ways of dealling with things that have happened to them in their life and WNFJ is a great way to look at different religions and different ideas that you may not know that is out there. Dave and I would have been there last year if we hadn't seperated. But we did and we know that is was for the best. But I would encourage anybody to attend at least one WNFJ conference you might be suprised what you would find. Who knows you might be standing next to Dave picketing Bethel, like we had planned the year we went. but instead we made some noise at Patterson.

  • NeonMadman
    Sounds like an Apostafest but withouth the beer and curry, guess we all have to do it our own way.

    Yeah, sort of. Been to an apostafest too, and it was pretty enjoyable. But WNFJ is not to be missed, for me. If nothing else, I get to see all the "regulars" whom I've made good friends with and who come year after year. Nothing saying you can't go to both.

  • lovelylil


    Since I got your email about it - I am seriously thinking about attending. I need to check with my hubby first for his schedule but I am always up for meeting new people in the faith. And if I get the chance to meet you and some others on the board, well that is even more reason for me to attend! Lilly

  • HappyDad

    I've been wanting to go to WNFJ for the past three years. But being the procrastinator that I am, the last minute would come and no rooms were available unless I wanted to pay over $100.00 a night at a motel that was 20 miles away.

    Not this year! The week after WNFJ, I called Blue Mountain and got my room reserved for the 2007 WNFJ. I'm not missing it this year unless I kick the bucket or something.

    I'll look forward to meeting some of my online friends who have been going there.


  • reneeisorym

    Last year was my first time. I had no idea what to think I was going to. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would for sure. Listening to others is definately the best part of it all.

    Imagine a circuit convention where the talks are actually comical and interesting. You can really realate to what they are saying and it all makes since to you. It gives you a fuzzy feeling to hear about the expriences of others and to hear some Biblical topics presented in a way you can actually understand. (like to hear someone talk about the name Jehovah or the ressurrection in terms you understand for a change.) But the good part is that you can come and go as you please. If you are tired in the evening, feel free to go take a nap and come back later. You can wear blue jeans and casually sit back in the chair.

    Your cabin probably won't be very far away from the convention part. You get to eat three meals there. Buy a meal ticket in advance. They like to get a count of how much food to prepare. The scenery is absolutely beautiful. The leaves turn that time of year and it is SO beautiful. You might find the bookstore interesting. You can rent sheets and towels for extra but the accomodations are quite primitive. Bring everything you can think of. There is no TV, blow dryer, soap ....

    I enjoyed more than anything the people there to talk with. Everyone has such an interesting story. It feels like a reunion with long lost friends even though you've never met them. It just feels like home. You kinda feel like an outsider everywhere else but around these people, you feel at home.



  • inactive in jersey
    inactive in jersey

    i always wanted to go, this year i am going to try and make it.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    I'll be there! I'm very excited. I've tried to go for many years but it was either health or financial issues that I could not overcome. This year is my year thank God. I'll be staying there with friends. Renee will you be there this year? If so we will probably be bunking together at AW's.

    Do they serve raw veggies?

  • mouthy

    An honest question sincerely asked; Why would you want to go? WHY GO???? It is the time I look forward to since 1989--- been every year but 1 ...It is what I always thought the WT paradise would be like- All colours, all nations all languages, I truly love all that go there ..( Listen to my testimony on the m&m line. ) I save all I can to go --- remembering that the Canadian $ becomes much LESS when you yanks get it I am booked every year in advance I laugh more at that time of my life than ANY OTHER time. It is my Maternity ward( ) Your missing out if you dont try it...
    The ones that go every year are truly my family replacing the ones I lost--- but these really love me.... No kidding... Do your selves a favor take at least ONE shot at it....

  • mouthy

    Juntion-wife I am so sorry about your break -up I didnt know....(((((HUG)))

  • free2beme

    The thing I find most disturbing in former Witnesses and troubling in the mind, is when I see us doing things like this. Taking and joining and making other organizations that are in some way or another meant to be the anti-Witness Witness religion. I think it is unhealthy and I have mentioned on here my experience with one of these, when I went to one in Sacramento on a business trip and had people calling each other brother, sister and even running the meeting like a Witness one. I was being nice not to leave, as I was asked to go by someone why thought I would like it. It was 1997, and I remember is like it was yesterday and it still is placed in a special part of my mind, that is reserved for warnings of what never to fall prey too. So in answer to your question, "Thank goodness, NO, never, and no way!'

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