yada- your wrote
I don't think they're happy with it at all. I bet most of the old boys on the GB are scratching their hands, being rather mystified by drying up meeting attendance and zero and negative growth in the Western world. Where's all the 'doves flocking to their dove cotes' and why isn't Jehovah 'speed[ing] it up in its own due time'. It probably explains the weirdness of recent comments to the effect that the Matt 24:14 might be finished already.
I'm sure they'd love to be growing much more quickly. But I think Zico pretty much nailed it when he said they are afraid to change. They've painted themselves into a corner on so many issues that's it's almost impossible to see how they could get out of their stagnancy.
So they're pinning all their hopes on Armageddon coming soon to bail them out of the corner. They are like Alice in Wonderland going down the ever shrinking corridor, and praying there is a door at the end big enough to squeeze through. Unfortunately its more a case that they are up shit creek without a paddle or a life-jacket and the waterfall is looming up large.
Do you really think they believe it themselves?
How close to the top do you have to go to find someone who knows its a scam?