Prince and Lindsay Lohan Partying?

by wozadummy 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wozadummy

    Just finished reading an article in the morning newspaper about Lindsay Lohan cheking herself into the Wonderland Centre for drug and alchohol rehab.

    It is sad to see such a beautiful young person getting to need such services with so much of her life ahead.

    But the part of the report that made me sit up and think was this, I quote.......

    "Ms Lohan was in hospital on January 3 for appendicitis but was seen out partying a couple of hours after she was discharged.

    Since, she has been seen out almost every night and on Monday she attended Prince's post Golden-Globes bash at the Beverley Wilshire Hotel. A fellow party goer said she obviously was the worse for wear."

    Well I'm spewing over this and here are my questions then......

    If Prince is a JW what the hell is he doing organising a LARGE function without the elders approval?

    What the hell is he doing inviting "worldly" people to a party in honor of a "worldly" event?

    What the hell is he doing inviting and providing the facility for Lindsay Lohan to continue her drunken and drug addicted lifestyle?

    Why the hell is he not sensitive to other peoples addictive problems and providing a vehicle to continue their addictions.

    Would he have invited a liberal quantity of his "spiritual brothers and sisters " to such an event?

    Why is there a deafening silence from Bethel and his congregation elders about his conduct?

    If this was organised by any other rank and file member would not the WTS come down angrily on them?

    If this was a European singing star ,say , would they be treated the same way as Prince.?

    I say that the WTS is hypocritical on all points and Prince is a pathetic witness for his god the WTS!

    For those of us that have fought addiction or helped ones addicted to get their life back this is an insult from Prince and the WTS who claim to be Christian and look down on all who are not members of this cult!

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  • skyking

    Damn I wonder if he turned water into wine and then if she like it. He has that right but it goes against the BORG thank you very much for your post.

  • jayhawk1

    The way Lindsay Lohan was going, she was certain to die.

    And as far as Prince, leave him alone. He needs to prepare for Super Bowl Sunday.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    HA HA!

    I can see it now, Prince will be studying with Lindsay.

    Wouldn't she make the very bestestest Pioneer Sista?

    "Oh, I want to go door-to-door with Sister Lohan!"

    "Sister Lohan, will you explain the 1914 chronological thesis for me again, please?"

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I hope one day Prince gets caught with his pants down in avery public way and gets the boot. Then he can write a big hit song about hypocrasy called "All along the watchtower" or maybe a song about shunning called "Purple pain." That would be great exposure.

  • MsMcDucket

    Prince is a grown man. Maybe, he realizes the religion is too restrictive. Maybe, he wants to get disfellowshipped. Sounds like he's tired of being told what to do.

  • jwfacts

    I have suffered parties where there was no alcohol, elders turning the lights up high and turning the music down low. I also have been hauled before the elders for throwing parties that went too late, had too many people, were too noisy, basically were too fun. And I didn't even have any fornicating stars high to their eyeballs. What is with the blind eye shown to Prince?

    I had to laugh when Prince missed his presentation at the Golden Globes and rocked up late with the excuse of the traffic. I wondered if he was worried that he would be in trouble for being a symbol of idolatry if the got up and accepted it. He looked very sheepish when he was asked to stand and be applauded on his late arrival.

  • Balsam

    Money speaks, even among JW's. Rich get better treatment in most religion especially when they are big donators.

  • troucul

    Random accusations may have merit....well met really!

  • dvw

    I'll bet he will lose microphone privledges.


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