Brain dead JWs

by Stealth 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth

    Here is a prefect example of the; don’t confuse us with the facts mentality of most JWs.


    SORRY FOLKS, the whole board moved over night and it looks like they did'nt bring any of the old posts with them.

  • DIM

    link doesn't work...

  • SammyJoUK

    Me agrees with DIM... "where two or more.. " thought you might like a second opinion.. or maybe not? :|? (now if this doesn't work I guess you need the brackets as well???) TOTAL newbie at this



  • SammyJoUK

    This is embarassing....

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi all:

    I remember reading over there that at the end of September the site was changing from to

    So I don't know yet if that discussion will have been carried over to that site or not.

    Hope this helps

  • MrMoe

    This link works - (note the chessy picture) (this is the discussion board)

  • SammyJoUK

    I think I may have been around too many JW's cause here comes one of those, "I can't believe I just asked that" sort of questions that you should be able to work our for yourself....

    RE; The Great Crowd... is there any point anyone that is not going to bow down to the 'theocratic order' trying to join this thing?

    I'm on quite a few of the Yahoo groups, mainly just to get to know a few people and wait for those who are about to jump out of the boat into spiritual uncertainty, NOT in any way to tell them which way to go next, only to tell them they are loved.

    Well this place looks ok but I don't think that anyone expressing any kinds of doubt AT ALL would last more than one post, if that?

    Just my thoughts


  • SammyJoUK

    OOPS guess I should have tried to register BEFORE posting... oh well... what a lovely place they have going for them... [8>]

    "Our team of volunteers will closely monitor this site. No apostates or opposers will be allowed to disturb the peace and harmony of this discussion board. Links posted will be checked for content. Our team of moderators will read all posts. If necessary, we reserve the right to edit material posted that may be objectionable or controversial . Members may at times be asked to edit their own posts. At all times it is expected that our posts will reflect the love that Jesus said would be the identifying mark of his true followers."

    Ermm don't get me wrong but didn't Jesus allow his 12 to question... ie the foot washing, etc...

    Guess they don't quite have the patience of the Lord?



  • Seeker
    "At all times it is expected that our posts will reflect the love that Jesus said would be the identifying mark of his true followers."

    Whenever a JW says they have the true religion because they show the identifying mark of love, I like to point out that they don't have unity but conformity. 'You will show this love or else!' If it was the true religion, you'd think God's spirit would cause this love to be shown spontaneously from the heart, rather than legislated and enforced by those in charge.

  • Stealth

    Wow, I did't know that there would still be fat people in the new system. Must be because there is nothing else to do but eat and build kingdom halls.

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