Your intentions are good - entirely manly. You step into the shower intent on grabbing a skin-drying manly soap - Dial or Zest or similar.
Then it catches your eye - that little 'womanly scented' bath-bar. You try and reach past it - to get the large man-size bar on the soap tray - but inexplicably you pick up the lady's perfumey soap. You smell it. You caress it just a bit. You put it back, but it keeps drawing you - finally you sieze it, you lather up like you never have, smelling the aroma, loosing yourself in the pleasure of rose-buds or jasmine, watching the silky film cling and bubble as it eases itself into the drain. You feel the moisturizer replenish your skin. You inhale the heady smell.
When finished you step out of the shower and light up - promising never again - never again.
I must admit, I never have. [Lie]. Have you? Come on you macho guys - have you ever given in to the urge to enjoy the ladies soap?