How many converts are there to different religions?

by bluesapphire 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bluesapphire

    My mother in law came over and started telling my husband that the JWs are in every land except 3 bla bla bla... We knew it was coming. It was fun that I had told my husband ahead of time what she was going to say next time and it happened. LOL

    Anyway, I have heard that 1 million people convert to Catholicism per year. And I thought it would be funny to tell her next time:

    "Did you know that the Catholic Church has one million converts each year? ... and THEY ARE NOT children of already Catholics. They are converts from different religions. And the Mormons have X amount and the blablas have X amount?"

    But I thought, I better check if this is true. It's been quite a few times I've heard this and I've looked on line but can't find such a source.

    And I'd like to see the movement from one religion to other religions in general. Maybe they're all revolving doors.

  • skyking

    posted to put this back on top of list I hope someone knows

  • bluesapphire
  • LittleToe

    Somewhere there's a real-time counter, which has been posted here before, but I don't appear to be able to find it

  • bluesapphire

    btt i never found the answer. Amazing might know where the RCC gets their number of converts from. Is it those who are baptized after completing RCIA at Easter vigil?

  • Kudra

    I genuinely tried out Buddhism but I found they believed many things that I could not accept -like maras and hungry ghosts etc. They were quite firm that while many liked the principles of Buddhism, those who didn't do all the practices and believe these things that I could not were not actually Buddhists.

    Is that dogmatic?


  • needproof

    Islam is actually the fastest growing religion in the world by far, with far greater numbers of Christians converting to Islam than visa versa. This means, obviously, that Muslims spread their word. Why would a loving God chose to allow this to happen so he can shed more blood at Armageddon? Of the 6 million JW's, how many acres of land would each dub have in the New System?

  • blondie

    Gospel Time Clock

    I would avoid referencing Catholics since they do baptize infants. I would stick with Protestant groups that practice adult baptism. Mormons and Baptists would be a suggestion. No point in getting sidetracked on another issue. Or even do some Googling on Muslims and the converts they are making.


  • Qcmbr

    er.. LDS baptise children - I was one!

  • LittleToe

    Thanks Blonde, that's the site I was refering to (Gospel Clock). It looks like it needs recalibrating, as the JWs don't number 7.5 million, nor do the number of "unreached" match up against the sum of the other faiths.

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