When jw's say...

by carla 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    That's sounds fun jgnat! I'm thinking I don't like the term 'unbelieving mate' anymore. What do you think of 'watchtower widows' instead?

  • jgnat

    Well, you'll be "unbelieving mate" in the literature.

    Hmmm. I don't like widow much either. How about HILWJWICGU? "Help I'm In Love With a Jehovah's Witness and I Can't Get Up."

  • AuldSoul

    Examining the Scriptures Daily is actually a dose of Watchtower dogma daily, with a Scripture tossed in to impress the credulous. Rarely is there ever a Scripture that comes close to half the number of words as are taken up by the accompanying Watchtower comment.

    I wonder how many words the Watchtower Society has used to explain a book that they claim God intended for all mankind. They even had a book entitled: The Bibleā€”A Book for All Mankind.

  • Honesty


    km 12/99p. 7par. 3The Theocratic MinistrySchool for 2000***


    BibleReading: There are two separate programs for weekly Bible reading listed on the school schedule. One is the standard reading program that covers about five pages of the Bible. Bible highlights are based on this reading. The other reading program is supplemental and covers twice as much material. By following this program, you will be able to read the entire Bible in three years.

    Why do they bother?

    Without the WTBT$ to guide them they will never progress on the road to life.

  • agapa37

    The daily text is a joke. They quote a snippet of scripture then talk about whatever they want.

    I am suprised to hear that from a proclaimed Christian. Reading a scripture to start the day off to, then trying to make modern day application to it is a JOKE? I have been to other church bible studies and that is exactly what they do. I see nothing wrong with that. YOU don't start your day off with scripture? Do you meditate on it and see how it can strenghten you or how it can draw you closer to God or how to apply it in life? Isn't that what we are supposed to do? That is what the daily text is for.

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Reading a scripture to start the day off to, then trying to make modern day application to it is a JOKE?

    But examining the scriptures daily is a contradiction in terms. Agapa 37. There is usually only one scripture quoted anyway, and often that one text is incomplete. Most of the page is taken from a watchtower article, so jws are NOT examining the scriptures at all, merely being reminded of the watchtower interpretation.

    Examining the scriptures should mean just that, not reading what some man has written.

  • lonelysheep


    I once had an MS Word document that showed what verses to read everyday for one year, in order to read the entire NWT Bible. I don't have it any longer, or I'd send it to you.

  • jgnat

    To agapa:

    The daily text, as applied by the Witnesses, is a JOKE. The snippet of scripture offered is barely connected to the topic covered. It is quoted out of context, and no attempt is made to glean the meaning from the scripture. It's a corrupt use of the bible, in my opinion.

    I read a daily text myself, but I tell you, there is bare comparison to what the Witnesses offer.

  • carla

    jgnat, it was a take-off of a term around my parts, 'deer hunters widows'. There are many parties just for the ladies during hunting season. Only I don't have any parties to go to in place of 5 (count em'!) meetings per week! I suppose it is for the best, I would turn into a sinning lush. I suppose I am anyway per the wt.

    agapa37, here are the directions when reading anything put out by the wt- first remember it is all bs, all scriptures will be taken out of context, words can and will be replaced by the unfaithful and indiscreet slave, remember the wt has a 100% failure rate in prophecies, try to keep from barfing when reading any wt literature. To compare anything put out by the wt to anything biblical is a disgrace.

  • Zico

    Ask any JW, 'do you read the bible daily?' and most will say 'I read the day text every day' go on, try it.

    The Society say they want you to read the bible daily, but I'm not sure they really do, since they don't like independant study. I think they provide the day's text to give the Witnesses an excuse not to read the bible, and instead keep them focused on Watchtower articles.

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