"Let's plan for a meaningful share in the field service this Saturday."
"The use of the term "disassociated" came into being as a euphemism, being used in place of "disfellowshiped" where sensitive issues, such as entering the military, voting, or other such matters were involved. It later came to be used also of anyone who formally withdrew from the organization. Whichever term is used, the effect is the same, for "disassociated" persons today are treated the same as disfellowshiped persons." --- IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM, Ray Franz, p. 253.
"The elders are imperfect."
"The unity and peace that exist among them [Christian congregation] is only a small preview of what will make living on the paradise earth after Armageddon such a pleasure." --- YOU CAN LIVE FOREVER IN PARADISE ON EARTH, p.160.
"Wendy Worldly is working on cultivating the fruits of the spirit."
"Peter Pretense is putting on the new personality."
"God's people have a 'workable solution' to their problems." [thought from old public talk outline]
"Those choosing the way of the Truth may suffer loss."
[You find the eufs!; uncited quotations are my recollected thoughts.]