I believe in God ... but not because of any Watchtower teaching. It is actually fun to look back and see how they applied very poor logic and nonsense to try and prove their point. Today, the (c) 1998 Watchtower book, "Is There a Creator Who Cares About You" was placed with me at the door. I did not know this book existed. I will make a series of posts on this book as I go through it. But, here is an opening sample:
On Page 27 the Watchtower Society has the "Periodic Table of the Elements" displayed. Then, they make this interesting observation on page 26, paragraphs 4 and 5:
4 "When the elements are arranged in the rows and columns of the periodic table, a remarkable relationship is seen between elements that share a column. For example, in the last column are located helium (No. 2), neon (No. 10), argon (No. 18), krypton (No. 36), xenon (No. 54), and radon (No. 86). These are gases that glow brightly when an electric discharge passes through them, and they are used in some light bulbs. Also, they do not react easily with various elements, as do some other gases. ... 5 Yes the universe - even down to its atomic particles - reveals astonishing harmony and order. ... "
The periodic table is NOT a divine product of order and harmony. It is a HUMAN arranged table that groups the elements by atomic weight and numbers as assigned and measured by humans. It is arranged by humans for ease of human use and reference. If the elements are actually placed in there natural order, there is no particular harmony or design other than a difference in numbers of neutrons, protons, and electrons. This is why the table looks a little goofy in its geometric layout.
Further, the periodic table that the Society used is the simplistic model most often used in grade school and high school test books. When one gets into college and then research in the working world, then one sees the full periodic table with all of the varient isotopes and nuclides. In order to make some sense of it, it has to be rearranged again by humans to force it to be an easy reference.
For example, one can find variously arranged periodic tables rearranged for various purposes, some oderly and some not:
1. Reordered Table:http://www.wpbschoolhouse.btinternet.co.uk/page04/4_71atom.htm
2. This shows elements the Society left off:http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/periodic-table/isot.html
3. Periodic Chart of the Nuclides:http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/chart/reZoom.jsp?newZoom=1 (Scroll over these to find specific isotopes of each element)
4. Periodic Chart of the Nuclides:http://wwwndc.tokai-sc.jaea.go.jp/CN04/index.html (Another scroll over example of the full periodic table)
If one takes an honest look at the full periodic table, including all isotopes and nuclides, then one discovers that there is really little order and harmony. Again, the Society uses false logic in an attempt to make God appear orderly and organized, when the facts show otherwise. The full table under the chart of the Nuclides is very hard to order, as one can see from the strained attempt that various sources use. It is humans who force the appearance of order so we can more easily recall and undertand the complex and chaotic universe we observe and dwell in.
Jim Whitney Toasting you with the element - Alcohol
PS: For the chemical impaired, alcohol is not an element, but a compound. But to a drinker, it is elementary.