New here so this may be long...

by mandalion 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • penny2

    Hi mandalion, welcome to JWD!

    Great to read your post. I too spent many hours reading here (once I finally plucked up the courage to look at so-called "apostate" sites). It took me a bit longer to register and start posting but I haven't looked back since.


  • Cellist

    Welcome to the board, Mandalion.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Welcome to the board, glad you found this place. It is amazing isn't it, how many people who have been in your shoes?

    Enjoyed your post, looking forward to more.

  • nicolaou

    Hi Mandalion!

    What a moving and articulate first post. So glad you found us and look forward to hearing more from you. You reminded this sometimes jaded old timer to never forget who might be lurking around.

    All that mattered was I didn't go to the KH so I was going to have endless death with no hope. Great.

    The other day I was surfing the internet and came across this site. I was almost afraid to open it. I screwed up my courage and read thread after thread. My eyes opening wider after every account.
  • iamfreenow

    Hello Mandalion, and welcome to the forum.

    There's no need to apologise for the length of your post, it was a very interesting and heartening read. You have come to a good place, full of genuine people. I hope you enjoy your stay,

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    That obsessed period you speak of is the excitement of being able to say what you want without the grand inquisitor burning you at the stake. Its a blast to say what the hell you want without anyone judging you. Ok, some here do, but its few and far between. Mostly its those who have been severely abused by the borg and even a moderate voice seems like a defender of the Borg.

    Speak your mind without fear. No one can kick you out for being honest and expressing your feelings so long as they are not inflamatory, or whatever. Glad you found it here.



  • avidbiblereader

    Mandalion, welcome to the board. I just read your post and the comforting thing here that many times you can not find elsewhere, is you don't have to explain yourself to a person with that look on their face like "what the heck are you talking about" People here understand, the same story, different actors/actresses, different stage but the same outcome and feelings. We hope to hear more from you and your obsession.


  • RAF

    ... Welcome !

  • Honesty

    Hi mandalion.

    Yep, there's a lot of us former witnesses.

    If the truth was known, former witnesses may even outnumber active witnesses.

    We are not all a bunch of sex-crazed, dope smoking, satan worshiping heathens who rejected Jehovah so we could live out our lives in debauchery.

    Probably 99.985% of us recognised Bullshit after a while and decided we wanted it no more.

    For that we are villified by the Watchtower cult from hell that we "left Jehovah" which is so far from reality it would be almost comical except for the mental abuse we endure from former friends and family who worship every word spewing out of the false prophets in Bethel.

  • MsMcDucket

    Hello, I'm a woman of few words (most of the time), but I can appreciate a well-worded post with all of your heart put into it! Many people will find strength in your words.

    Thanks for posting!

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