Did the Watchtower Society Cause Mental or Emotional Damage?

by The wanderer 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Did the Watchtower Society Cause Mental or Emotional Damage?

    The argument is the Watchtower caused one, the other, or a combination
    of the two. In my particular case, it was emotional damage because individuals consider me
    to be fairly intelligent and clear minded.

    What is your perspective about this matter?

    Did the Watchtower cause mental or emotional damage? What would you say
    it was in your case or in general?


    The Wanderer

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    No. I think it was an experience that has (for better or worse) helped me become the person I am today. Experience is life, life is experience.

    We can't have one with out the other.

    Some experiences aer good, some not so good and some crappy. But it's our job to go through the fire and come out with a better idea of who we are and where we are in the Universe.

  • fokyc

    I think, had I not stopped attending meetings and being controlled by a gang of thugs known as elders, I would have had a nervous breakdown or serious depression.

    The effect they have on me now, without any controlling influences is bad enough.

    As many of you know, I am still under a 'gagging order' at least until April 2007

    I keep a complete record of everything that goes on, not just on my computer, AND I WILL publish in due course.

    Any questions will be answered by pm if you wish.


  • Bluegrass Tom
    Bluegrass Tom

    It certainly did cause damage to many people. Being and adherent to the religion places a person under a level of stress that is man induced and way beyond the performance criteria that God outlines for worship in the Bible. To describe this stress would be a thread in itself. If you dutifully follow the teachings of the WB&TS you will become isolated from the world in general, perhaps even blood relatives, and will not be able to have any meaningful relationships with other co-inhabiters of the planet. You will be deprived of taking advantage of getting a higher education that would enhanse your life in numerous ways and allow you to earn a living that would provide a basis for an adequate life-style. If you lived through the 1975 episode like many of us did, that is entirely another discussion. Just ask the people that come from that period of time who listened and followed what they were told. They pioneered or did some equivalent service, became professional office cleaners for support and now are looking at the back end of their life living in an apartment, with no pension, real estate or other means to sustain reitrement. The "Generation" understanding that they all banked on went up in smoke. Where really are we in the stream of time? What will we be told next? "Keep on hanging in there.....the end is close. We really mean it this time!"

  • iamfreenow

    They certainly put me under pressure at various times, like trying to push me back into regular pioneering only a short time after my dear husband had died. I had to endure several elder visits at the time, and thinking back they didn't seem overly - concerned how I might still be feeling about my loss.

    Obviously, after an almost lifelong affiliation to the Watchtower Society, I still have many memories, and always will have, but I don't feel damaged by it. The shunning by the many friends I made over the years is hurtful of course, but I have made new, unconditional friends now. I have recently become a Christian, and am grateful that I have found the true path to God. That realisation is helping to offset all I have lost by leaving the Watchtower.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Damaged me mentally, in limiting my resources to knowledge. Emotionally, in creating a rift in the family. Phycholgicly in the enternal baggage and wrong directions it lead my life to.


    I have`nt met one family..Not one!..That the WBTS has not damaged in some way...OUTLAW

  • jaguarbass
    What is your perspective about this matter?

    Did the Watchtower cause mental or emotional damage? What would you say
    it was in your case or in general?

    I would say in my life the Watchtower caused both. Mental and emotional. But we cant go back. I was raised by disfunctional people and the society fueled their fire. It's not a perfect world. To live without sickness and death and lying and cheating had its appeal. But it didnt happen in 1975. I reflect back to those days. I was convinced everyone I knew was hoping for the same things. So I guess that was emotional and mental damage. Escaping reality, living in a fantasy.

  • Blueblades

    In general, yes to both mental and emotional damage. Suicides, no blood, child abuse, disfellowshippings, shunnings, depressions, feelings of hopelessness, can't ever do enough, interfering in marriages, promises and more promises, wait on Jehovah, soon, near, now. All of this because YOU are spiritually weak. Millions of persons have in one way shape or form been touched by the society in one or more of these areas. Hearts have been broken.


  • done4good

    Yes and No. Damage? Yes. Permanent? Maybe, but I am healing. However, I have to agree with Black Swan. Experiences in life, (good and especially bad), serve as teachers. If we recognize the damage, and begin a healthy course, we are more than halfway there already. I have no regrets of my jw experience. I learned many things from both being there, and exiting from it's grasp. It made me a better person.


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