How'd you do it ???
did you upload to let jwd host it..........
by Bonnie_Clyde 16 Replies latest jw friends
How'd you do it ???
did you upload to let jwd host it..........
...............tetra.........trying the image posting box that you mentioned.
Hi deeskis I upload from the top link in photobucket (rather than the other two) and it usually works fine).
I'm missing the smiley and link thingies here at the moment (it probably has something to do my my recent computer crash and reload
OK I'm trying Internet Explorer instead of Mozilla firefox and I get the bells and whistles now
hi deeskis,
i used the same image from photo buckey that you had tried to use. but i believe you have tried to use two different urls. the one of yours that i used started with "http" and ended with ".jpg"
but the one you just tried to use did not end with .jpg. this is the one you tried to use:
check your address to the image again on photobucket, and make sure that it complies with what i said (http... .jpg)
Test Pic:
Deeskiis using your links and the image link box works fine from here (I'm no expert but your security/cookie settings may be too high).
Goodluck deeskis,
Digital photography is great fun. It's all pretty easy and with a bit of practice you'll be an expert in no time.