Revelation Book Study Week 3

by stillajwexelder 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mr.X

    Wheres the answers??? Im too lazy to study it

  • stillajwexelder

    The answers are in the paragraph - tha tis the whole point - answers are just repeated verbatim with no thought

  • ButtLight

    Oh lord, flashback just gave me a hot flash!

    Wheres the answers??? Im too lazy to study it

    I was always that way lol

  • Nosferatu
    the merchants and manufacturers have made great gain by supplying the political powers with stockpiles of devilish military weapons of destruction, including the nuclear arsenals that now threaten mankind with annihilation weapons of mass destruction that are now a great cause for concern.

    I take it this was one of the 70+ corrections. What a messy sentence. That's like when a record skips, and you get to hear a part of the chorus twice! And all you can do is say to yourself, "WTF was that?"

  • stillajwexelder

    take it this was one of the 70+ corrections. Actually NO - if you are referring to the Kingdom Ministry insert alterations -this was not one of them. This is the wording in the new edition Rev Climax book released

  • Nosferatu
    This is the wording in the new edition Rev Climax book released

    WTF??? Isn't that what the corrections were for? To make the old books identical to the new ones? There's gonna be some REALLY lost people at the book study. Thank god I'm not one of them.

  • Terry

    The propaganda is quite stunning.

    If you question any of the links in the chain of logic the whole structure falls flat.

    The "seed" is immediately made to be a metaphor. The metaphor is defined willy-nilly to fit the JW theology.

    Bits and pieces of scripture and snatches of explication are cut and pasted into a kind of Special Effects whizbang

    demonstration of imagination and not much more than that.

    The book of Revelation has been interpreted by more crackpots into more varying scenarios than any other writing in history.

    The Watchtower Society has produced almost a rainbow variety of explanations from its inception. Many contradictions, flipflops and turnarounds are to be found among the books and publications of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    They've been demonstrably wrong again and again, yet; blithely they continue to churn out more ad hoc assurances that X means Y and it all equals =Z.

    Utter poppycock and a waste of good people's time as they shift the dead weight from one buttock to the other in folding chairs.

  • Zico

    'It can mean your salvation at this time of climax in mankind’s history.' (Para 26)

    How can it be 'history' if it hasn't happened yet? Don't get this...

  • heretic

    Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah

    so who was building babel? is this after the flood. so his cousins built it? excuse me if this is a stupid question

    They are all part of the earthly organization that God and Christ judge as deserving of execution
    would the UN be in this group too? it sounds like its not too hard to get lobbed in with the 'deserving of destruction' class. if only the rank and file reading this knew the real JW history

  • heretic
    Utter poppycock and a waste of good people's time as they shift the dead weight from one buttock to the other in folding chairs.


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