Ditto what Blondie said. The WT tries to make it seem that nobody but the JWs use the name Jehovah, but just flip on any Christian TV channel and you will hear them use it often, in sermons, and in chit-chat, and in their music and prayers. They, like the JWs, think Jehovah is the name of God (the Father). There's one fundamental Baptist website that uses practically the same exact explanation that the WT uses for why they use the name Jehovah, ie, that even though nobody knows the correct pronunciation, that Jehovah is the most widely accepted, most commonly known way to say it in modern times, etc. etc.
zack said: I ask this because Jesus referred to God as: my Lord, my Father, my God. He never used the word Jehovah. It always seemed to me that IF ANYONE would use the name, certainly Jesus would.
Good point. You've hit the nail on the head. Try this on for size: Jehovah (or YHWH/Hebrew) was Jesus' name in the OT. In other words, Jesus IS Jehovah of the OT. Same person, God the Son. God the Father and God the Holy Spirit remain unnamed throughout scripture and have always remained in the invisible realm. Only God the Son stepped forward out of the invisible realm to deal with mankind (Coloss 1:15: He is the image of the INVISIBLE God...). He is also the Communicator with mankind from the beginning (The Word, the Word was with God, and the Word WAS GOD). And He's also the only one who ever has personal names, YWHW/OT, Jesus/NT.
Same Person, Jehovah=Jesus! Clears up everything! ;-)
There's another thread where I see Mouthy mentions she has an article about this very thing. I PM'd her for a copy since I agree. It's awesome, really. No more confusion.