Do You Still ............ ?

by Outaservice 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jringe01

    I can't put on a suit even let alone a tie. Which is bad because I need to find a new job

  • SPAZnik

    The whole dress code thing kinda makes me laff now.
    Funny how seriously human clusters take themselves, eh?

    75-100 ties eh?
    Send them to me and I'll make some sort of art project outta them.

  • IsaacJS2

    Ah, the WT dress code. I started going to meetings right as I turned 18 and didn't own a suit, but some actually said they didn't believe me! The Elders always had time to pester me about the guidelines in their little books, even underlining the relevant points and stopping me out of the blue just to show them to me. But they never found the time to explain why dressing up in a full suit and tie was so important to my spirituality. (Funny that...says a lot about their priorities)

    Finally, someone told me it was so we all looked alike. And if they didn't henpeck me to death about it, somebody else might try it. Can't have that.

    Ah, the good old days...

    Heh heh. Right. Can't believe I fell for this crap... ::grumble grumble:: ::murmur murmur::


  • karnage

    There were times when I was counseled on the way that I dressed. My ties were too thin and my jacket lapels were thin also. I used to just sit there and wonder just what it was that I did that I was in trouble for. I mean... I was going to the meetings and I was participating, and yet, they still had to find something to gripe about.

    I still wear my "thin" ties from time to time. Whenever I have a formal event or a business meeting to attend, I wear a nice tie and shirt.

  • mama1119

    I have not seen my Dad or brother wear a tie since we left. I know my brother donated his, I am not sure Dad still has any. I think I would laugh my head off if I saw them dressed up now, they are so far away from that. My Dad has a pony and wears a bandana everywhere. He always hated dressing up.

  • YoungAmerican

    I remember once after the meeting I was called aside by an elder and told not to wear the skirt I was wearing anymore, that it was not chaste. It was a really long skirt too but had a slit up to the back of my knees.

  • restrangled


    This is such a funny question for both men and women. As you know, here in Florida, you can get away with shorts even in the nicer restaurants because everyone is on vacation.

    I will go shopping and look at dresses and then think, what do I need this for? My husband use to have tons of ties, finally donated them ....most were silk. I bought a dress for a wedding 6 months ago, and we wound up not going....its still hanging in the closet with tags on it slowly going out of style.

    I worked for an attorney's office here in Florida. Fridays were "jeans" day including the attorneys. Most wore casual pants and shirts during the week. Most girls wore pants with a jacket thrown over the top. The attorney I worked for had a CLIP ON tie he would wear for court kept in one of his desk drawers. It was just too funny as I tried to get that tie clipped on straight!

    All anyone needs here is a sports jacket, maybe a tie or two and some decent trousers for that rare occasion. Women just need a nice dress for the same.

    I think JW's are about the only people wearing dresses, suits and ties on a regular basis. Oh yes, this sets them apart once again.


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