When it comes to believe it’s all about what is believable to you. So this is not a question for believers in God, I mean if you are a believers (you think that there is a God) or an Agnostic (you think that there might be something very unexplainable Yet) The one I want to get into it by giving there reasons are Atheists.
It feels comfortable to just follow what scientists are saying (it is supportive because they are able to explain some science) but by now about evolution it’s only about concept related to science to explain a possibility, but there is no scientific proof in facts.
Why is it more believable to you that we are the result of a big bang which would actually comes out of something very tiny full of development codes? I guess from that, that it would still mean that there is something bigger than just that (like believers or agnostic do think).
So why are you atheist? Is it because:
- Scientists are giving into it (but it is there job they will not spit on it and anyway it is interesting to have them working on it) and from most TV show on the matter scientists can’t really state that there is no creator. They are just saying that some things do evaluate and that they have an idea from what (but not from the start for real) … Nothing more … The how from the start is unexplainable there is no explanation about how comes for real? If everything comes out of a big bang it would just means that science/molecule is creative … doesn’t it look like a silent God at least?
- Scientists proved that things do evaluate … but but but … they can’t prove that species can evaluate from one to another (unless it’s programmed genetically like for a worm to become butterfly and of course that is something they can prove) … About human for instance there is no real link in between the ape and whatever in between till what is called homo sapiens sapiens … (so all the in between species could have been animals who disappeared) and the major so called discovery to prove the missing link was a fraud …Also there is no real link in between the ape and the fish (they just put it as a possibility – it’s an interesting scientific concept not a proof). Things do evaluate to fit its environment that is sure but not to the point to going from a species to another (no proof about that). That’s when you can’t really believe that a molecule can lead to build a universe unless it’s programmed.
- You can’t believe that God does exist because of our situation (means that you feel that if God would exist we wouldn’t be in such situation which allow many to suffer in many ways) to the point that any belief in this matter sounds like bullsh*t. So it must be something else so it’s all science … but what is science then?
- Any other reasons … but if it is a scientific reason give us the proof …
and if I'm wrong about any scientific proof (means no real proof) tell me.