Here are some ideas I found on the net.
I'm sure she will not be able to resist any one of them.

* Tell a friend the harmless little secret about the two of you, and have him pose as a psychic when you dial. Be sure to ask the right personal questions to make it look authentic. Have the psychic predict a diamond in her very near future. Then make your proposal on the spot.
*At a college or professional sporting event (if you both like sports), arrange to have your message displayed on the scoreboard after halftime..."Will you marry me?" Have the diamond ready in a presentation box.
* Arrange to have dinner together at your favorite Chinese restaurant. Have the waiter give her a special fortune cookie with "Will you marry me?" in it. Or you could have it say, "You will receive a diamond in the very near future." And present the diamond in a box.
* During dinner at your favorite restaurant, arrange with the waiter to have the diamond in a box as one of the choices on the dessert tray. Tell her she is the sweetest thing you know and you can't resist her any longer.
* For the chocoholic: Chocolate-dip the diamond box, and put it in the center of a box of chocolates when you are alone for the evening. She will always wonder what's in the largest piece of candy. Pick it up for her and open it with a flair.
*Invite her for some games at home. Use Scrabble letters and spell out "Will you marry me?" Have the diamond close by.
* Create a personal Web page with her name and your proposal with a picture of the diamond in its velvet presentation box, and send her the Web address. Or sit down together to surf for good vacation sites, and visit a site or two before you type in the site address.
* Set a date to go to the movies, then rent ad space for your proposal at your favorite theater. Make sure you have the diamond with you.
*Take her for a surprise picnic at the beach. At the picnic spot, spell out "Marry Me" with stones, flowers or seashells. Put the diamond in her hand when she says yes.