If we tremble now, and we find it difficult to have a share in the preaching of the good news under these circumstances, if this is our training at this point, please don’t imagine that you’re going to find some newfound courage to get up and to speak when they are bursting Babylon all to pieces and anyone who dares to come up and says anything religious whatsoever. Don’t imagine that you’re going to find some newfound courage to tell the truth or to speak the truth if you can’t do it now.
In other words, you single mom with four kids stuggling to make ends meet, get to al lthe meetings, hold a family bible study and get your 10 hours a month in, all the while suffering from a lack of attention from the so-called shepherds and the party animals whose entire families are all tucked in and self-contained: F#@k you and the horse you rode in on.