Are You Afraid To Die?

by avidbiblereader 38 Replies latest watchtower bible


    I'm not afraid of death, I just don't wan't to be around when it happens.


  • kid-A

    Not even remotely. Even at this relatively young age, I know I have led life to the fullest and have accomplished some remarkable achievements in my neuroscience research career. Much more to be done, but I would be happy with my legacy as it stands if I were to go tomorrow. We go around once, best make the most of it!

  • Jourles

    Up until around 5 or so years ago, I might have said yes. But the way I view things now, I would have to say no. The reason for that is because I've told myself a thousand times that everyone dies. Once you come to accept the fact that you are going to die at some point in the future, you can start living your life now and stop being afraid of your end. There is no "life" saving cure or religious haven that will sustain our present life.

    When I die, I want it to involve some sort of freefall -- plane crash, falling off a very tall building or cliff, etc. My wife thinks I'm a freak for wanting to die in one of those ways. I tell her that I want to experience the ultimate freefall rush right before I die. That's how I wanna go.

  • Gill


    I'm just concerned about those I would leave behind.

    Death is the next great adventure. If there's something else we get to do.....and somewhere else we get to go, then WOW!!!!

    If not......oh well.....shit happens!

    Either may well be the ultimate free fall experience!

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Death itself? <<shrugs>> No.

    But my concern is leaving behind my kids at a young age. That bothers me the most.

    My kids are my life, and to leave them without a mom, bothers me a great deal.

    But as for the act of being dead, nope.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hi gang,

    Since I've been diagnosed with a various serious form of cancer, last spring, I've been faced with my mortality. Found out, I definately want to live. I'm 53 and am very excited about the future, as I believe we are on the threshhold of the new world. Yes, I'm afraid to die, as it's so unknown..

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


  • Crumpet
    I'm 53 and am very excited about the future, as I believe we are on the threshhold of the new world.

    Star - I am sorry to hear of your cancer diagnosis and hope that you continue to combat it. I'm curious as to what you mean about the new world - I assume you don't mean as in a paradisaical sense and not the likely new world which will probably cause catastrophe if global warming continues unchecked?

  • agapa37

    Not afraid to die.

    afraid to die too soon and leave my kids.

  • AuldSoul

    Not in the least. I welcome a new experience.

    agapa37, surely Jehovah can take better care of your kids than you can. Comfort yourself thusly, and be at peace. None of us know what the next street corner will bring us.

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