When Religion Becomes Evil - a new book by Charles Kimball

by Lady Lee 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I picked this book up yesterday while I was waiting for the clinic to open.

    I haven't read it yet of course but it asks some interesting questions. The auther says there are 5 Warning Signs of Corruption in Religion. The back cover states that Kimball is a leading relibgion and Middle East expert. Kimball shows how all religious traditions are susceptable to these corruptions and why only authentic faith can prevent such evil.

    Interesting considering the topics there that all religion is controlling.

    So what are the Warning Signs? See if they look familiar

    1. Absolute Truth Claims
    2. Blind Obedience
    3. Establishing the "Ideal" Time
    4. The End Justifies Any Means
    5. Declaring Holy War.

    No where in the boojk do I see cults. No where in his references do I see cult or high control group. This is a whole other way of evaluating a religion

    Anyone want to explain how the WTS/JWs fit this criteria?

    aw Go on I know you can.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    I'd be curious to see how "authentic faith" is defined.

    tall penguin

  • lovelylil


    Thanks for the book recomendation. I checked it out on Amazon.com and the reviews were pretty good. This Kimball guy is a baptist minister with a Doctorate in religious history. In the book, he focuses on Christianity and Islam. He shows how religion can do much good under a charismatic but good leader, or how it can become evil under the leadership of the wrong people. Looks very interesting. You can read a few pages on Amazon. Looks like it is well worth it to get a copy.

    I think we all learned not to believe in things blindly anymore, especially since coming out of the WT, but it won't hurt to be reminded again. Also Kimball gives 5 warning signs, like you said that the religion has the potential for evil. Even without reading it more indepth, we can see how they easily apply to the WT. Good book for anyone still looking for a religious group for fellowship. Thanks again and have a great night. Peace, Lilly

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I'm looking forward to reading it. I'll be giving some reviews as I go along

    Right now I am coming off one medications and starting another. My attention span isn't very long so it might take a while for my mind to settle itself down.


    I'll look for that. He does have a chapter on it.

  • kristyann

    Thanks for the recommendation, Lady Lee. (Also, thanks for editing that other post of mine! I appreciate it). Who is the publisher of this book, anyway? I'll have to look it up on amazon or something. By the way, speaking of attention spans, I have noticed that over the past couple of years, mine has gone downhill extremely when I try to read. I am so young, so I don't know what's going on, but I have to read the same thing over and over again before it sinks in. (sorry, i know it's off topic)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Who is the publisher of this book, anyway?

    The publisher is HarperSanFrancisco. It was published in 2003.

    speaking of attention spans, I have noticed that over the past couple of years, mine has gone downhill extremely when I try to read.

    It might be that like many exJWs you have gotten used to the habit of skimming. Just skim through the study material and get over with it as soon as possible.

    It takes effort to focus on what you are reading because we never really rwad anything

    Practice practice practice

  • Blueblades

    Thanks Lady Lee. Looking forward to your reviews of the book.


  • LongHairGal

    Lady Lee:

    I read several chapters of the book. I didn't see the JWs mentioned, but then I didn't read it from cover to cover. There are some similarities but they differ in that they are not declaring a "holy war" - thank god!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    No they don't say one word about the WTS/JWs. And that is exactly why those 5 warning signs are important. It is yet another way to define the WTS/JWs as a cult.

    but they differ in that they are not declaring a "holy war" - thank god!

    I think you are wrong on that one. I've been wading through a lot of Rutherford's book titles and he was on a definite war mission. Fortunately he believed it was God or rather Christ who would actually engage in the war and the JWs would just run around yelling "The sky is falling. The sky is falling"

    The WTS/JWs haven't strayed far from that. They have waged a war of words against religions and governments.

  • LongHairGal

    Lady Lee:

    I see your point but what I meant was they are not going around physically hurting anybody, i.e. physically waging war like a certain other religion which I won't name. But, I do feel they have the hostility in their hearts and would be glad if/when xbillion people just drop dead so they can take over.


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