Question: Why did god use Adam's rib to make Eve. Why not his ass, his toe, his appendix or his ear?
My ribs hurt
by FrightMare 21 Replies latest jw friends
You're annoying.
Because Adam had a spare rib?
Because While Man has always been able to make an ass out of himself, he's never been able to make himself from an ass?
If God had used one of Adam's toes Adam wouldn't have been able to "hang 10"?
If God had used one of Adam's ears a major redesign of glasses would have held up creation by at least 10 hours?
We needed the appendix just to keep us guessing?YERUSALYIM
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
vienna fingers, you're a bitch, but I didn't come out and tell you that.
Man and woman, side by side, equal. Is that why god used the rib? That's what I'm figuring.
I was hoping to see a few more comments on this topic. BACK UP TOP, YOU!
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
You may not want to hear my comment but here it is anyway.
I believe that the rib story is a fairytale.So I guess any of those other body parts could be substituted.
I do however, like your equality explanation.
Ranchette -
Isn't there a complete explanation in Genesis? Wasn't it something about woman coming from near his heart so he would love her and under his arm so he would protect her and all that?
Just wondering, could look it up, but don't feel like it.
Silverleaf, you were never a JW, you're a big fat liar.
Ranchette, are you atheist or theistic evolutionist?
I haven’t labeled myself yet and don’t know if I ever will.
I don’t say there is or is not a God.
I do say that if there is he, she or whatever, is not concerned enough about us to get involved in our lives.
If there is a God he set things in motion and just lets nature take its course.
So it also goes without saying that I believe the Bible and all other so called holy books are man made.
I don’t believe we came from apes but I do see that things go through changes and adaptation through time.
I don’t push my views on others but I do try to give my honest opinion when participating in these discussions.I don’t have the answers and I feel others just think they do.
Ranchette -
my sentiment exactly, ranch.
"I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt