Was the load of being a Witness, light?

by free2beme 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    "And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them." Luke 11:46

    As Witnesses we want you to realize that the load put upon you is a light one. One what is not burdensome, not something that would tire you or or over tax the mind. We simply require that you ...

    1. Attend three meetings a week.

    2. Spend ten hours a month in field service.

    3. Read four new magazines a month.

    4. Prepare for at least one talk every two months.

    5. Study before all meetings, family bible study, etc.

    6. Attend one special assembly each year.

    7. Attend one two-day assembly each year.

    8. Attend on three-day convention each year.

    9. Stand up for your faith at work, daily, even if it means losing your job over petty things that might be overlooked by most.

    10. Not take blood, even if it cost your life.

    11. Do not watch movies, television, read books, the Internet, and so on, if the subject is questionable.

    12. Do not go to college.

    13. Find a job that pays enough to live, while not making you work meeting night or interfere with your conventions, assemblies and so on.

    14. Pray often, you will need it for strength.

    15. Watch over your children, and make sure they do not do or say anything against Jehovah or his people.

    16. Avoid all temptation.

    17. Make sure you show up for cleaning the Kingdom Hall.

    18. Watch out that you are never seen doing something that could stumble others, even if it is not something bad, but could possibly look bad.

    19. Show respect to elders, even if they are uneducated, unqualified and wrong.

    20. Never question anything, never seem to question anything, never even remotely look questionable.

    " Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:29-30

    When you left the Witnesses. Did you feel like you let down a light load, or a heavy burdensome one? What does that tell you?

  • Honesty

    I got a 2 ton monkey off my back when I left.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once



  • TowerWatch

    Just reading that list was exhausting!

  • Stealth453

    I got a 2 ton monkey off my back when I left.

    Me too. I was divorced at the same time.

  • seawolf

    what TowerWatch said !

  • Undecided

    I got a 2 ton monkey off my back when I left.

    Me too. I was divorced at the same time.

    Same here.

    Ken P.

  • jaguarbass

    I've been out since 83. I just cant imagine in this day and age how people can find time to do all that and support themselves and a family.

  • Mary

    I know of no other religion---or even cult----that demands as much of your time as the WTS does. The burdens they put upon the shoulders of the rank and file would make first century Judaism under the yoke of the Pharisees look like a piece of cake.


  • zack

    Following Bible teachings, I think, is not heavy. If you conduct your business honestly, pay your taxes, are a loyal friend, good parent, faithful spouse: all these things benefit you in the end. What is NOT LIGHT is the load placed on Witnesses based on man made rules, most of which you mentioned. So no, the load of being a JW is much heavier--- unachievable IMO-- than the load of being a Christian.


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