My friend is an up and coming JW recruit. Not baptized, but high-stepping in that direction.
Any way... She lives a small rural town and she has to go to a neighboring town to a KH. She recently asked her JW guru if there would be a KH built in their own town any time soon. This lady told her that they had wanted to build one, even had a place designated, etc..., but the local churches all came together and opposed it, and forbid it to happen. The local churches made a very big stink about it. Rather than have a public debate, or pursue a lawsuit, the WTS decided to be peaceful and just keep meeting in the neighboring town. Afterall, they are all about keeping the peace and they do not sue.
Does this sound right to you? I told her that I want specifics about this incident! When, where, what churches were involved. I know that town. They have all kinds of churches. They even have a Scientology church! It's not real big, but it is there. They probably have more denominations, than they do businesses.
I have asked around, and no one has heard of or remembers anything about this "big stink". I also find it odd that the WTS would not sue, if this whole thing were true. I think there is not enough interest in that town for a KH, and that they out and out lied to her. The "poor persecuted us" routine. It is ludicrous to think that they would not sue. They certainly have lawsuits going on in other areas! And this would be a big winner, hands down.
What do you think?