Is Satan against the withholding of information from others for power?

by The Dragon 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Been wondering.....

    Would Satan be for or against the sharing of information?

    Would Jesus be for or against it?

    Could the two find a common ground and ever work together??

    What IS the big disagreement niether side will back down about? Is there any way it could be resolved?

    Any thoughts?

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon


    Heres another question that has me stumped about this whole thing. The witnesses upon committing to the the WTBTS...are cautioned to steer clear of challengers..rather to confront them one on one in privite at their homes. Seems to me..if they actually possessed the great wisdom they claim..they would enjoy challengers,,and enjoy putting them in their place in front of everyone for a witness to all..and to prove their authority and domenince over all other guesses.

    But by door to door, in privite...a loss is not seen and easy to cover and forget.

    Not at all a very confident stance is this. Tells me they are weak and know they are weak..and trying to protect their weak followers from stronger more powerful wisdom then sheltering them...or else.

    Same goes for this whole God/Satan battle....Should God gladly accept the challenge by His ambitious student in front of the whole class..and smack him down in front of everyone..for all to see. Or threaten to kill him for even wanting a shot at His title?

    Wouldn't it be boring without challengers to debate and conquer? Or do you threaten them with death to stop everyone from daring to come get some?

    I am just not understanding this at all...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Interestingly - Jesus confronted evil straight on. Paul debated with Emperors and religious leaders straight on. John issued 'visions' of corrupt Rome being destroyed straight on. Luther faced differences head on, as did Tyndale and others.

    The WTS is aware that public debate would make it look the fraud it is - too many actual 'scholars' could destroy their Biblical argumentations and Biblical renderings of Greek and Hebrew texts. They could not defend the lies they have propogated if it was in the public earshot - the excuses that they can get the brain-washed membership to swallow without question would not work with the thinking public - they would be 'de-throned' in the eyes of those who paid any attention.

    No - survival of this cult depends on a Jim Jones/David Koresh style of isolationism. Open debate would crush them, and they know it!


  • Narkissos

    "And he said to them, "To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside, everything comes in parables; in order that
    'they may indeed look, but not perceive,
    and may indeed listen, but not understand;
    so that they may not turn again and be forgiven.
    ' "

  • thetrueone

    Over time if the person stays with the organization he or she too goes through the mental manipulation in that everything that is said and written by the WTS. is the honest and the undeniable truth of all that is happening on the earth today and yesterday. So therefore they demand all followers or slaves as are called to kneel and succumb to their power with unquestionable devotion.

    It is common knowledge that where there is power and control and maybe even money that men will strive toward that attainable goal for the betterment of themselves. If for example you were to do a background study on the people that started this religion like C. T. Russell and big judge Rutherford. You would clearly see that these men were great power seekers to the extreme. But they obtained that power from false pretences and conjecture.

    The king keeps control of his slaves and the power that he has obtained, by the virtue of information given.

    Unfortunately many of the stated doctrines and ideas were devised primarily and structured on increasing the circulation of the magazines and whatever else they were selling and yes they did have profits in mind.

    Now in the kingdom halls there is a state of fear that is established between the elders, ministerial servants and congregation overseers, the eyes are upon you so to speak at all times to make sure everyone falls in line, all in the disguise that this is God's will and purpose which it is obviously not.

    Unfortunately the reason why it takes so many Jehovah's Witnesses so long to wake up and realize that this is not God's organization and that they have perjured the truth is because the Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to question, analyze or debate any policies or instructions from headquarters. There is a mental mindset that when you walk into the Kingdom hall doors you leave any self observational thinking at the door or at least it's very frowned on. Remember too that at the book studies and watchtower studies the questions on the material is given by them they tell you what to think and how to think about their written material. This in essence is mind manipulation and control its not too hard to understand that.

    So it kind of seems that the WTS. really started a psychosis of fear to the public by using world events and the imminent Armageddon in a venture to power themselves and power they certainly did receive. Having said that I can honestly say that I've gained some things from the organization perhaps some communication skills and some knowledge of other religions to my benefit and I did meet some very good people there, but I’m glad I’m out and probably will never return.

    All the best .....


    Yes!!..It`s called "Theocraticic Warefare Stratagy!"..WBT$ is a great promoter of this form of lying...OUTLAW

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