Mary: I agree that it is hypocritical that only the GB have true freedom of religion. If a country bans them, they scream bloody murder. Then if they get legalized, they tell the JW's what to think. Real cute. Their point is that you joined this religion on your own. I see what they mean to a degree, but I don't agree that slandering victims and those like Barbara Anderson should be allowed. Maybe they have the right to run the internal justice system as they see fit because no one made us join, but no one should have to suffer having their lives ruined.
One way to fight back is to tell everyone you know, go door to door and warn your neighbors. Email everyone you know. I will be posting a few newspaper people's names soon that will no doubt want to do an article on this. This should help TSOF as well. The letter is on Silent Lambs and when I read that the WT planned to "sue victims into poverty", I saw red. It's time for a showdown and they will get one this year.
To WT lurkers: You won't sue me "into poverty". I may not live long enough to see it, but you WILL someday die off as a religion. The issue is whether or not the God who owns the universe likes to see kids raped or not. You obviously think he does. The rest of the world (you know, the sane people) don't agree with your cult's viewpoints.
There are one thousand non-JW's to every one JW on this planet. We have more people, more money, more everything. I saved TSOF's resignation letter. I will show it to anyone I know who is considering becoming a JW. Information and truth can defeat the WT. All we have to do is use it. My best to all.