Can It Get Any Worse????

by liquidsky 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • liquidsky

    I know most people have way worse problems then me but I just need to vent. I have had the worse 3 months ever!!!

    My husband may be losing his job within the next year. One of our cars was rear ended and damaged last month. We ordered a calculator for my husbands college classes off ebay that showed up broken. We returned it and had to buy a new one that cost us $120.00. At the same time we ordered a college Statistics book on ebay and it never showed up. So I drove 45 miles out of my way and paid $130.00 at the college for a new book only to return home that night and find that the other book had shown up. (Now my husband is 3 weeks behind in one of his classes). So Monday, my husband drives back to the college to return the new book and they won't take it back. Then on his way home he gets a $500.00 aggressive driving ticket.

    Then yesterday,He ran my car into a big curb and damaged the front bumper enough that it needs to replaced. Cost: $703.00.

    About 5 minutes ago my husband emailed me informing me he received a parking ticket today.

    And I just found out that I need a root canal.

    Will it ever end??????

  • OnTheWayOut

    Life can be that bad sometimes. Other than the root canal, you

    have not mentioned any serious health issues, so I hope your

    bad streak is something you can live with and move on, while

    counting your blessings that you still have.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Sounds like you need to take a good Calgon and get to bed early!!! Sorry to hear you have been going through a hard time lately. Hang in there!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Outaservice

    Things run in cycles. In about 7 years it should start to change.


  • mrsjones5

    Wow, sounds like the year we just had. We keep saying we've been through worst and it will get better. And ya know what? It usually does. What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger.

    Here's to better times.


  • Undecided

    I know how it feels LK. It's been the same here this year.

    I'm just glad to still be alive.

    Ken P.

    Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

  • mrsjones5

    Quick, knock on wood

  • JH

    "Do you pray once in a while"?

    That's what the brothers told me, when I told them about my problems....

    As if that would change anything.

  • greendawn

    "Then on his way home he gets a $500.00 aggressive driving ticket." I didn't know that in the USA you could get such a big fine for "aggressive driving", what is aggressive driving anyway?

  • mrsjones5


    Aggressive driving can refer to any display of aggression by a driver. It is often used to describe more extreme acts of physical assault that result from disagreements between drivers. "Road Rage" is a term believed to be coined by the American media, originally to describe the most violent events.

    Although the media currently seem to refer to all aggressive driving as road rage, the New York State Police have pointed out that there is an important difference. "Road Rage", such as using the vehicle as a weapon or physically assaulting a driver or their vehicle, is NOT aggressive driving. Such acts are criminal offenses, and there are laws to deal with these violent crimes.

    The New York State Police define an Aggressive Driver as one who:

    Operates a motor vehicle in a selfish, bold or pushy manner, without regard for the rights or safety of the other users of the streets and highways.

    It seems to be growing more and more of a problem here in the states.

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