Yes, all the time ....The WTS had to much praise for themsleves and I didn't like the way they compared their ways, to the prophets.
Did the Societys Literature Ever Make You Question or Doubt It?
by The wanderer 19 Replies latest jw friends
Do Not Call
The Creation Book did it for me, too.
I wondered how ALL scientists, even the evolutionists, thought that the 'theory of evolution' was so flawed.
I made the brilliant 'mistake' of doing some research in the books quoted.
I researched the facts surrounding the frozen mammoths, too, you know the ones that prove the global flood.
Once I uncovered one fabrication, I kept finding more.
I was told by an elder not to check up on the Society's Literature! HA HA HA!!! -
Studying the daniel book in the bookstudy. I just couldn't understand how some things were meant to be literal and others "prophetic" and how they knew the difference.
Never questioned a thing. My brain had been trained since youth. I didn't question anything when I quit, just didn't want all the responsibility of being a JW. It was years later that I began to think about it and realized I had been hoodwinked.
Ken P.
The Revelation book had many things in it that I questioned. It mentioned many particulars, such as the Anglo/American empire being represented by a sheep with horns, that I would ask myself, "how do they KNOW that?". There are many things like that in the book.
In the broader sense, for many years I had a difficult time reading the literature due to its 7th grade readability.
I had to struggle terribly over that old blue mini-book "Evolution or Creation, Which" had whole chapters hammering on how Carbon 14 data was phony science, etc. And then that ridiculous illustration of a new car and a crashed car - now, children, did crashing the car improve it in any way? It also ridiculed any notion that living things on earch could possibly be older than their seven thousand year creative days. They made a big deal that Carbon 14 is not useful for millions of years back, blah blah blah...including
I had just finished advanced chemistry and physics when this little gem came out - and I understood how C14 dating worked. Of course it could not give you an exact year, but it is a lot closer than just making up the 7,000 years - which I understand they have now abandoned.
I was too embarrased to ever "place" this mess again in the field. In my doubting delusion, I just secretly hoped they would come to their senses and write something more plausible in the place of this "neanderthal nonsense".
Years ago when they came out with articles on single people I was angered at how out of touch with reality they were. I also was doubtful when I read things where they tried to equate their modern day occurrences as being bible prophecy fulfilled. This is pure assumption. I also didn't swallow their chronology of the creation time and the age of the human race.
Yep, the trumpet blasts being convention resolutions always seemed weird to me even as a young girl.
Yes, the Evolution book did it for me. It was so chock full of lies, misquotes and anti-scientific garbage, I finally perceived the WTBS for the liars and manipulators they truly are.
Yes, but it was the dumbest thing. There was a Kingdom Ministry insert that sang the praises of the new Patterson facility. In it, they described the "Inn". They didn't go into detail about what this "Inn" was for. I asked an elder, "Why do we need an 'Inn'?" He looked a little affronted that I would ask such a question, then fumbled around with an answer that he was clearly pulling out of his ass on the spot.
I wondered about that, but not enough to truly question anything. I stayed in for another 16 years.
And I lapped up the Revelation Book, the trumpet blasts being Rutherford's farts, the whole shmeer.
What a rube!