Would you join a "Letters to the Editor" Campaign?

by LennyinBluemont 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty
    It's making me mad, and Im also wondering if a JW works in the newsroom. Junction-Guy

    Not just one, Dave.

    At last count there were two in the newsroom and approximately 6 contract carriers. The KNS is well-infiltrated with the "TROOF"

  • Wild_Thing

    Since it is currently out on DVD, I am wondering why it isn't on bit torrent or some other file sharing program on the internet. Are you apostates letting me down?

    I would like to see it for myself before I write a letter of protest. But I most definitely will not purchase a copy and support the film makers.

  • LennyinBluemont

    I agree with Wild Thing. Excellent point. It would be best to view the "documentary" before writing a letter to PBS. (Kind of like having a strong opinion about the Bible when you've never read it.) I, too, am not interested in purchasing a copy, however, I would rent it, but I just checked Netflix and they don't have it. I know Gary Bus has a copy and felt it was worthwhile. If a few of us DID buy copies and then loaned them to others (NOT making copies) that would negate the need for all of us to buy a copy. Anybody know if Blockbuster carries it?


  • Junction-Guy

    I have been getting PBS catalogs for the past year, and they have yet to advertise the "knocking"video in them, so I doubt blockbuster would have them.-------------Bob, now that I know JW's work for the News Sentinel, that answers alot of questions, and maybe I will change my tactic.

  • Junction-Guy

    I just did a quick online comparison to the "Tennessean" and the "Knoxville News Sentinel" The "Tennessean" located in Nashville has picked up several of the stories involving Silentlambs in the past. My local paper "Knoxville News Sentinel" didnt even pick up one. I did a word search on "Jehovah" on the KNS website and the only things to come up were positive puff stories about their "quick builds" and the convention dates. Bob, I believe you, there is definitely a JW working there to keep these stories from getting published.

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